



The truth is, most women never take proper care of the skin around their eyes. While most of women and a lot of men have rigorous skincare routines, they are careless about the health and well being of their eyes. This leads to problems ranging from tired, puffy eyes, dark circles, and wrinkles around the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face, and therefore gets dehydrated easily. That is why people are advised to use special under eye cream to maintain the moisture levels in the skin. Hydrolyze under eye treatment, one of the most well known brands of eye care products, erases the appearance of dark circles and wrinkles. We will discuss more about Hydrolyze later…

Here are some tips on how to prevent wrinkles around the eyes.

Avoid Excess Sun Exposure
Of course it would be impossible to stay cooped inside your home or workplace 24/7. However, if you do step outside in the daytime, use a quality sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. These rays cause skin cancer and various other skin problems, not to mention, all the squinting you do to keep the sun out of your eyes, could also lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Wearing a pair of dark glasses is a good idea. Or you could use a wide brimmed hat to keep the sun out of your eyes. By taking care of your eyes on a daily basis, you would be reducing the chance of wrinkles drastically.

Keep the Skin Hydrated
Use a good moisturizer to keep the skin well hydrated. Drink the mandatory eight glasses of water every 24 hours, more if needed. It would be a good idea to reduce your intake of caffeine and eliminate smoking completely from your routine. Smoking makes the skin dry, as do excessive amounts of tea and coffee.

Nourish Your Body
Vitamins and antioxidants keep the skin and eyes healthy. Eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits, and nuts. These are packed with vital nutrients essential for healthy eyes. If you are in the habit of dieting unreasonably, sooner or later, it will take a toll on your health. Eating a balanced meal is one of the most important considerations if you want healthy skin.

Sleep Well
Tired eyes are not attractive at all. If you are not getting your eight hours of sleep daily, you could end up with puffy eyes and dark circles. You need to remember that dark circles are very hard to conceal with makeup! If long hours at work or study are keeping you up all night, try to change your schedule so that your body, and more importantly, your eyes get that much needed rest. 

Credit : Kasper Knight

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