



Many of us have heard of the multiple things we should not do when we're pregnant. Here are a few things we should do.

Although you should not go overboard with fat consumption, now is the right time to consume more fat than you normally would. If you are overweight in any case, you should make it a point to consume only as much fat as your doctor recommends, as putting on too much weight is not a good idea. However, if your weight is fine, then you could increase your fat intake slightly during pregnancy.

Most of us worry about rising cholesterol levels, but now is not the time to do so. Cholesterol and fat levels should rise during pregnancy, as they are important for the baby's brain growth. They also help make your skin more supple, thus preventing stretch marks. So if you have been considering switching to skim or double toned milk and are pregnant, now is not the time to do it.

Omega-3 fats play an important role in ensuring your foetus's brain development. Your gynaecologist should recommend that you start taking a supplement once you've passed 20 weeks, but if she does not do so, it makes sense for you to request a supplement. This will also help with milk production.

Always, always make it a point to be particular with regard to your vitamin supplements. Don't take your foetus's health for granted. Studies have shown that mothers who received inadequate nutrition during pregnancy gave birth to children that were more likely to be emotionally unstable and depressed.

Do you have plants in your home? If not, now is a good time to consider investing in a few house plants. Plants are the easiest and most efficient way to cleanse the air, delivering healthy, chemical free and non-polluted air to your baby's lungs. Our homes house many chemicals without us realising it. Detergents, 'finail' for the floor, paints, varnishes and so on, all add to home pollutants. Place a few plants in every room, that will virtually absorb chemicals and give you fresh air to breathe.

Exercise during pregnancy is definitely very beneficial, but it is never a good idea to over-exert. When your body is very tired, it releases toxins that are not good for the baby. So as soon as you feel tired, make sure you get a little rest. A good rule of thumb would be to reduce the intensity of exercise substantially, and increase the time you work out. So if before your pregnancy you were walking very rapidly for half an hour every day, now you should try walking at a slow pace, for an hour.

Keep moving
If you feel like you are not getting enough exercise, keep moving as much as possible. Get up and get yourself a glass of water every hour or two. Try and run as many errands on foot, as far as possible. Instead of calling up the chemist down the street to deliver your supplements, put on your keds and walk to the chemist. Take the stairs every time. If you need to go to a very high floor, get off 2 to 3 stories earlier, and climb the rest.

Avoid walking down the stairs. Walking up stairs is more beneficial, and is easier on the knees.Don't forget to do your Kegel exercises on a daily basis. 

Read also : Ten Don'ts When Pregnant

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