



Of course, skin cancer is not contagious and "cannot be taken" from another person! But there are some risk factors for development of skin cancers and, very importantly, some of these risk factors for skin cancer can be corrected!

Here are the Risk factors of Skin cancer

1. Family history of skin cancer or other cancers. If a parent or close relative has had skin cancer, the risk that you develop a form of skin cancer is increased. It's about people who have a history of melanoma (a very serious form of skin cancer) in the family to one or more close relatives and present more than 50 moles (nevi), some of the atypical. People with this syndrome have an extremely high risk of developing melanoma and therefore presenting the dermatologist regularly for signs of skin cancer is crucial!

2. Personal history of skin cancer. If you were once diagnosed with skin cancer should know that you are at risk of developing skin cancer again. Even in basal cell or squamous cell epithelioma that was completely excised exist the risk of relapse.

3. Lightly pigmented skin has less pigment (melanin), therefore it is less protected from sun damage. If you have blond or red hair, light colored eyes (blue or green), freckles, you burn easily after sun exposure and is more likely to develop skin cancer than a person with dark skin.

4. History of sunburn – especially in childhood / scars. Whenever you have a sunburn, skin cells are affected so increases the risk of skin cancer. After a sunburn your body will work to repair what was damaged. The number of sunburn is greater, especially in childhood, the risk of developing skin cancer increases.

5. Excessive exposure to sunlight. Any person who spends more time exposed to the sun (during daily activities - builders, sailors, farmers, etc., or hobbies: tennis, football) may develop skin cancer, especially if not protected with photo protection creams and suitable clothing.

6. Sunny areas with high altitude or climate. People who live in sunny and warm areas are more exposed to solar radiation than those living in colder areas. If you live at high altitudes, where UV radiation intensity is higher, you are also at risk of developing skin cancer.

7. The increased number of moles (Nevi). People who have many moles or atypical moles called dysplastic nevi are at increased risk of developing skin cancer. These abnormal moles - which are often irregular contour and higher than normal moles - can have more than ordinary moles oncogenic potential. If you have a history of abnormal moles, review them constantly for any changes in appearance.

8. The presence of precancerous lesions. If you have skin lesions such as actinic keratoses increase the risk of developing skin cancer. These precancerous lesions begin in the form of rough boards, with variable color from brown to dark pink. Often are located on the face, forearms and hands in skin colored people who have long-term sunlight exposure.

9. Depressed immune system. People with depressed immune systems are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer. These are people with HIV / AIDS or who have leukemia under treatment with immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplants.

10. Fragile skin. Skin that has suffered multiple burns, injuries or treatment for other skin conditions is more susceptible to negative effects of sun and skin cancer development. Some treatments creams used for psoriasis or eczema increase the risk of skin cancer.

credit : Stefania

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