



Driving is a privilege and should definitely be taken seriously.  If you are looking to find the cheapest auto insurance, take these facts into consideration because they will help determine which insurance companies are targeting you as a customer.

The age of the driver
It is a proven fact that individuals under the age of twenty five tend to get into and are negligent for more auto accidents.  These young people also receive more speeding ticket and stop light tickets.  By the age of 25 many drivers begin slowing down and paying more attention to driving laws. 

The grades of the driver 
If the driver is still in school, a high grade point average will help reduce the cost of their monthly auto insurance.  Why?  Insurance companies judge you less for your age if you show them a higher level of responsibility. 

The sex of the individual 
This may not seem fair to some, but auto insurance companies insure women for less.  It is a statistical fact that women get into less negligent auto accidents than men.

The location of the driver
Typically, auto insurance customers who live in large cities are charged more than those that are from more rural locations.  With fewer drivers on the road, there will be less risk of ever being involved in an auto accident. 

The vehicle type
Some cars tend to get into more wrecks or have more problems than others.  Sports cars cost much more to insure than regular vehicles because they express a greater risk.  The faster a vehicle can go, the more damage and injury they can cause in the event of an auto accident.  The same goes for the size of the vehicle.  Large sports utility vehicles have their uses, however they can cause a lot of damage and injury to those driving smaller sized cars.

Marital Status
Generally most insurance companies will offer a lower rate if you are married.  Being married doesn't make you any better of a driver, in fact, some may say there is more distractions on the mind of someone who is married.  I suppose the insurance companies do take into consideration they now get to insure 2 people instead of one and the insured may possibly need to insure more vehicles and property down the road.

Credit : Colejustin

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