



A large part of the world's population suffer from the humiliating and, sometimes, disfiguring condition known as acne. This is a condition that doesn't play favorites. People of all races and ages can be struck with acne. While it does seem to favor adolescents, it can also hit full grown adults with what's called adult acne. Most of the time the cause for acne is placed firmly on hormonal flare ups. Whether this is the basic cause or not, it happens because of blocked hair follicles in the skin. Sebum is oil produced by these follicles, which keeps the skin from drying and stops skin infections. The problem comes when sebum can't drain. When that happens, it collects and causes bacteria.

Due to the various acne treatments on the market currently, people tend to experiment until they find the one that's most effective for them and helps them to get rid of acne fast. Some cases of acne are so serious that a visit to the dermatologist is required to get a prescription for oral medications along with lotions and creams. Many people choose to try natural or home remedies. This is cheaper and more convenient because the majority of the ingredients are already in their kitchen cupboards. The most popular natural acne remedies are lemon juice, lime juice, and honey.

Lemon and lime juice range from offering mild relief from acne symptoms all the way up to totally getting rid of it. Both juices contain ingredients that boost your immune system, which is what you need to fight the conditions that allow acne to sprout. They both have strong doses of Vitamin C and potassium. These go a long way to keeping your body healthy. They also contain citric acid, which is well known for curing acne.

When you decide to try lime or lemon juice to handle acne, you must first thoroughly wash the affected area with a good antibacterial soap. Rinse it totally and pat it dry with a soft towel. Take a cotton ball and soak it in one teaspoon of the juice. Next, apply it evenly over the entire affected areas. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off using warm water when you get up the next morning. This can be repeated daily and should produce some great results in about two weeks.

Since honey is believed to be a miracle cure for a lot of things including acne, it's little wonder many recipes for acne exist that contain honey. One of the most effective mixes honey and oatmeal to create a mask that is applied to thoroughly washed skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and soften it with warm water before rinsing it completely.

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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