



Weight loss generally refers to any activity directed toward reducing body mass (especially body fat).

Overview of Obesity & Overweight

Over the years, we often hear about the harmful effect of overweight (especially high body fat) some of which leads to several types of health-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and pulmonary insufficiencies.

The problem of overweight (i.e. obesity) is now so rampant that it has been estimated by experts that 2/3 of the total adult population in the US is overweight (obese). This matter however is getting worse. Unlike decades back, food and drinks now contain a lot of chemical additives and so much calories.

Now what are the things to do in order to lose weight and body fat QUICK!?

Depending on individuals, some people are desperate to lose a lot of weight within a very short period of time in which case they take various dangerous weight loss pills and undergo surgeries. Physiologically, the basis of weight loss is intake of food with calories lower than the amount of energy required after such meal. This way, the body uses up energy stored via fat deposit to compliment the deficit which eventually leads to an automatic weight loss.

Here are a couple of things to do in order to lose that stubborn fat really QUICK: -

1. Stop eating baked products and junks or at least reduce them as much as possible.

2. Cultivate the habit of drinking only low-calorie dairy products, Juice and water, nothing more!

3. Eat ONLY 3 times daily, not more and preferably not less.

4. Cut down your ration to about half of what you usually take, better still, get a food weighing scale and make sure the food you eat at once is not over 300g.

5. Do not eat whenever you are not hungry. This is a major tip as we tend to gain more fat when we eat just for pleasure or taste and not actually because we are hungry.

6. Eat only at intervals of at least 4 hours, not earlier. This ensures proper digestion of every meal you take.

7. If you find out you cannot do without snacks, then make fruits like apple, pineapple etc. your ultimate snacks.

8. Workout. Try doing some exercise every day. Exercises simply foster the fat burning process as you use up a lot of energy stored as fat during exercises.

9. Don't starve. Notwithstanding the fact that you need to cut down your food intake, don't starve. The body needs energy to fulfill its daily functions. Starving can also lead to harmful conditions like peptic ulcer, nausea and so on.

10. Create a good mind set. Try to imagine and believe that you are really losing weight. This kind of mind set and mentality will make the whole weight-loss process really quick and easy.

Now let's consider some useful food that'll let you lose that weight you have ever dreamed to!

Here is a list of low-calorie foods that should be taken accurately to ensure an effective weight loss, these foods are low in cholesterol and saturated fat which means low in calorie content and have high satisfaction index.

The Classes of food to be considered are:

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits are a great class of food highly rich in vitamin C and minerals, have a high satisfactory index but relatively low calorie content. Fruits are quite easy to come by and are very affordable. Examples of foods that are very good for weight loss include:
  • Apple 
  • Strawberry 
  • Avocados 
  • Orange 
  • Pineapple 
  • Lemon 
  • Carrot 
  • Banana 
  • Blue berries 
  • Tomato
Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, are very useful especially eating them without added ingredient or by simply boiling and adding a pinch of salt.


Most weight loss experts recommend a strictly- protein diet to their clients and this is a very effective way of losing some weight and at the same time you get to eat normally. Most food containing a high amount of protein are usually low in calorie content.

Foods high in protein content but effective for weight loss include:

Fish: Several forms and types of fresh fishes such as Titus and Tilapia fish.

Meat: A reduced amount of red meat (e.g. beef) and more of white meat (e.g. chicken). Such meats as chicken, pork etc. should be considered as a good substitute for red meat. However, eating grilled and boiled red meat of about 5ounces or less at a go could be effective for weight loss too.

Eggs: Contrary to the popular myth that eggs cause life threatening diseases such as Atherosclerosis, eggs are a perfect group of food for weight loss taking at most one properly boiled egg every day with a cup of tea and 3 slices of wheat bread as breakfast could help a great deal.

Tea: Different brands of tea especially green tea contain an extremely low amount of calorie. Teas also have good positive peristaltic effects and allow quick digestion and excretion of food and unused ones respectively.

Other useful foods include: oats, flakes, low calorie carbohydrates, unsaturated fat and oil.

Finally, weight loss generally depends on great determination and maintenance of achieved goal (a specific weight target) as many people find it so difficult to maintain this new weight and tend to start gaining weight all over again.

Credit : Ben A Omodara

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