



When leading a life that is full of activity, it may seem easy to overlook insurance planning because you are busy with other things. These other things can make insurance seem like a lower priority. Insurance planning, however, is a vitally important step in securing your present and your future while allowing you to stay focused on all the activities that are important to you.

Insurance Provides Security to Those Who Matter Most

By providing financial recompense for damages to property, insurance helps ensure that a family remains financially secure well into the future. Without insurance an individual would have to take from his own savings in order to make himself whole after an insurable incident. While he may be making himself whole in terms of property, he would be creating a financial hole by draining his savings account or increasing his debt.

Insurance is Perfect for Emergency Planning

Insurance provides an affordable means to plan for emergencies. Without insurance backing an individual during an emergency, one would have to save a lot of money just to repair or replace everything that could be damaged in a flood, hurricane, fire, theft or other peril.

Insurance can also provide a loss use benefit which creates a backup plan for operating a business, and driving or housing a family after an emergency. Without this assistance, it would be very difficult and expensive to provide these short term replacements.

Insurance Ensures Good Karma

Liability insurance coverage allows one to make good on hospital bills and lost wages that she may have caused another person accidentally. No one wants to hurt another through a car accident, fire, or other unexpected incident but if it happens it feels good to know that the injured individual can recover from those financial damages as quickly as possible. Without liability insurance coverage one might not be able to make good on liabilities on her own.

Insurance Provides Support for Heirs

A life insurance policy can ensure that heirs have a means of replacing a decedent's income after they have gone. If you leave loved ones without the resources of a life insurance death benefit means that they have to scramble to afford all the same bills but on less income. This can not only force them to significantly change their way of life now, but can also hamper their ability to achieve their dreams of college and retirement.

Credit : Andy Gardiner

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