



Pregnancy is a period when any woman finds a lot of changes going on, both inside and outside. You need helpful and informative information so that you get along with every positive and negative thing without any problem. The pregnancy period is almost forty weeks long and it is important you learn few things about postpartum weeks also.

Today, you have many websites that help you maintain your pregnancy calendar along with guide details regarding proper fetal development, pregnancy symptoms, changes going on in your body and many more. You need to learn about your child's development and growth from a reliable and good source after all.

Weeks of Pregnancy

Have a quick look at the week by week development of pregnancy. Find out what happens in each week of pregnancy right here.

First Week of Pregnancy - Although this week is counted, at this time you have not even conceived.

Second Week of Pregnancy - Fertilisation of egg takes place by the end of this week. There is no apparent symptom right now.

Third Week of Pregnancy - By this time a baby is growing inside you and you are completely unaware of this fact.

Fourth Week of Pregnancy - This is the time when your baby gets implanted in your uterus. Your monthly period stops as ovary stops producing eggs each month. If you take the pregnancy test this week, you will be able to detect that you are pregnant.

Fifth Week of Pregnancy - By this time a distinct shape is being formed. You might feel morning sickness, fatigue and a craving for some food items.

Sixth Week of Pregnancy - By this time brain and nervous system of your baby has started developing. Common complaints related to pregnancy will hit you by this week. You will feel extreme fatigue and symptoms like nausea, tender and aching breasts and some others too.

Seventh Week of Pregnancy - The development and growth goes on slowly and gradually. You need to pay attention to your diet and nutrition, talk to your doctor if any of the symptoms troubles you a lot. Avoid smoking, alcohol, drugs and any kind of tobacco products.

Eighth Week of Pregnancy - Your baby's tiny fingers and toes start developing. Elbows and wrists of the arm also start getting shaped up. Prepare and schedule for your first prenatal visit.

Ninth Week of Pregnancy - The tail gets shrunken and disappears by the end of this week. The baby's head is larger than the body at this stage. Check out your family's history and review your medical records too.

Tenth Week of Pregnancy - Your baby's important organs are formed by now and they start working too.

Eleventh to Twentieth Week of Pregnancy - This is the period when the development is fast. Pay attention to proper nourishment and be prepared for some weight gain. You will also find lot of apparent changes in your body. You can get an ultrasound done to find out the size and position of the fetus.

Twenty-First to Thirtieth Week of Pregnancy - Start low or non-impact exercises as this will not only help you stay in shape during pregnancy, but also help you stay away from various problems. You will start realising short and harmless contractions in your abdomen. Just be sure that the contractions are not painful and regular. You will find your baby's resting time and alert time by now. You can sign up for childbirth classes nearby. This will give you confidence.

Thirty-First to Fortieth Week of Pregnancy - You might find your breasts releasing pre-milk. Make your birth plans and discuss with your doctor. Fatigue is a common problem. After thirty five weeks, you might need to see your doctor every week. Be alert and speak if there is any kind of discharge or discomfort felt.

The months of waiting are going to get over anytime and you will have your bundle of joy in your arms.

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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  1. Awesome tips! i have married last month and these tips will come in handy soon!! 1 Week Pregnant Signs
