To stay fit and healthy and fit is the most challanging task in today's fast paced world. With newer technology and innovations we have lsser work to do and we are slowly becoming the virtual slaves of the machines.
With continuously rising compitition and increasing ambitions we tend to develop lots of anxiety, tension and work pressure which is constantly lowering down our health status, making us more prone to diseases like High B.P. and Diabetes.
Sometime or the other we try to get out of our tension, depression and work pressure by indulging ourselves in alchohol, drugs or the like..
This definetely gives us a high for a short period but eventually this is more dangerous than anxiety itself.
Lesse physical work means we burn lesser calories and put on weight over a period of time. Increases blood cholestrol levels in turn give birth to a new health challenge specially to the cardiovascular system with increased incidence of stroke, high B.P., CAD (coronary artery disease) and atherosclerosis.
Increased work load and busy schedule often leads to a neglect of our health, diet and excercise. We seldom find ourself free for our hobbies and interests that give us pleasure. This impacts our health so badly that sometimes this is the only cause for our health problems.
Below is the listing the easiest yet most effective tips that should help you keep yourself fit and healthy despite your busy schedule and duties:
1- Proper diet: Avoid saturated fats and refined fats, instead you should prefer foods with low cholestrol fats. Avoid added salt intake, spicy food and junk food. Try to keep your meals short and try to eat every 3-4 hours to maintain the required energy levels.
2- Proper sleep: Dont underestimate the need of a sound sleep. Sleep makes us ready for the next day with full of energy. Try to sleep early and get up early. If you can't than you should try to get a sleep of 6-8 hours. Depending on your work type your requirements may vary. In genral a person with more mental work needs more sleep than compared to those who do physical work. For B.P.O. employees or those who have night duties and cannot afford a 6-8 hours night sleep a sleep of 8-10 hours would do the same benifit. Yes you need more sleep in day than in night. Thats nature..
3- Excercise: Excercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Remember to keep at least 30 minutes for yourself and not anything else. Try to cincentrate these 30 minutes on you and only you. Believe me you will get addicted to it if follow it regularly for 30 days.
4- Laugh your heart out: Dont let worries bother you. There is nobody in this world who is not having any problem. Dont let any opportunity go which can make you laugh. Join a laughing club, freakout with your friends laugh on your faults... Many people develop the habit of laughing intentionally.. and it really works! You start laughing naturally if start laughing unnaturally. There so many benifits of laughing that I can write a 500 page book on this topic. So start laughing now!
5- Make great love: It lovers your blood pressure gives feeling of happiness... and so on! This is not an appropriate place to discuss this topic here. But it do make sense to stay fit.
Credit : Dr.Saleem Zaidi
This was a great read. We recently published an article on The Worldwider ( about tips to stay healthy on vacation. It might be of interest to you too, given that we tend to forget our diet and healthy lifestyle when on holiday.
ReplyDeleteThese are great tips! I needed these. Thanks for sharing <3