



In regards to weight loss, there are numerous steps you can take on how to lose belly fat, and remember there is no miracle to getting rid of belly fat. But instead it involves some process, determination, change of lifestyle and diet in order to realize this goal.

Many people believe that belly fat is only associated with overweight or obese folks without thinking that even slim people do have this problem as well and in this case, the fat can hide deep inside internal organs and may end up posing health risk quietly in the long run.

Extra fat in your body system can present health risks such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancers of the colon, breast, endometriun and also can lead to dementia.

So let us start by looking at how to lose belly fat or how to burn fat around your belly, well;

1. You definitely need to start exercising 
This is unavoidable and one of the best, easiest, fun and highly encouraged form of exercise to help get rid of belly fat is aerobics exercise also known as cardio to many.

So lets see what aerobic exercise is, well aerobic exercise is where you use the same large muscle group, rhythmically for a duration of 15 mins and more while at the same time maintaining 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. Think of cardio activity as being long in duration yet low in intensity.

Try to focus on aerobic exercise that is targeted to calorie burning and abdominal workouts or belly exercises.

A research by Duke university showed aerobic training significantly reduced visceral fat and liver fat, the culprit in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Aerobic exercise also did a better job than resistance training at improving fasting insulin resistance, and reducing liver enzymes and fasting triglyceride levels. All are known risk factors for diabetes and heart disease.

Resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass, says Slentz. " But if you are overweight, which 2/3 of the population are, and you want to lose belly fat, aerobic exercise is the better choice because it burns more calories".

2. Decide on whole grain over refined food products 
Secondly on how to lose belly fat is nowadays, our food stores are full of refined food products piled on the shelves. And every single day and even at this instant, people are still eating highly processed foods knowingly or unknowingly which contain preservatives, stripped off nutrients and fiber, and individual still wonder why they are facing lots of healthy problems.

Deciding on whole grain food products over refined food is the best healthy choice you can ever make when it comes to living a healthy life and healthy body. Whole grain foods include whole grain rice, whole wheat flour, pasta, brown bread and white bread is a big NO. Keep in mind whole grain and least processed foods are available in our local stores and its a matter of making the right choice when buying these items for yourself and family.

Also consume legumes such as beans, lentils, peas which are rich in essential nutrients, minerals and fiber to help burn fat.

People who often eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have a decreased risk of disease and those who consume high refined diet, processed food and high fat have an increased risk of disease such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and many more.

3. You need to get adequate or enough sleep 
Getting regular sleep will help in battling cravings and overeating consequently assist in belly fat loss. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night as this will really help in getting into shape, feel more relaxed and help your body renew.

Watching TV in the evening deprives you sleep, overeating and then going to bed late and not having adequate sleep is a sure way of increasing body fat and weight, since when you overeat and go to bed, your digestion slows and stops and hence the food end up being converted to body fat.

4. The power of 3 meals a day
Eat well balanced diet and health experts says breakfast is the most essential of all three meals, since breakfast is intended to supply you with energy to see you start your day well. For super or dinner, try to eat light like fruits and vegetables can do.

5. Choose water above all other drinks
Another choice to make on how to lose belly fat is to choose water above all drinks, as it is a healthy choice and it does not supply calories. Cola drinks and other soft drinks are full of unhealthy sugars and empty calories which are not helpful to your body in any way.

6. Power of relaxation
Going through high level stress is damaging to your body, learn to relax and take life easy and surround yourself with positive minded people who are going to impact your life in a positive way in one way or another.

Its well known that when individuals who are going through high level stress, they tend to crave a lot or overeat and for this reason adding weight to their bodies.

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