



If you often wonder about why you suffer frequent injuries at the gym, it's time to take a long, hard look at your workout form.

While exercising, method and posture play an important role. We give you an insight on why poor form is to blame for your aches and pains.

Stop jerking: Stop jerking your weights and your body, it will only cause injury and it will have no effect on the muscles. Take a cue from James Bond; being smooth gets the best outcome. Smooth weight training will surely get you the much needed muscles. When you twist and jerk your body while lifting weights, you open yourself up to a world of injuries like joint pain, muscle pulls, even fractures.

Slow movements: You don't want to workout in a jiffy, it defeats the purpose. Muscle fibers need slow yet smooth movement to build size and strength. If you workout really quickly, all the fibers don't get worked out. Take time and do a proper workout.

Pain in the neck: Summertime is the best time to flaunt your six pack abs. But, if you are gung ho about stomach crunches, you need to know one thing. Do not place your hand on your neck as you pull your neck forward. This will cause severe neck pain. Instead, place your hand on your chest or by your side. If you are accustomed to placing your hands behind your head, then use them only as markers. Do not force your head forward in order to compensate or start the crunching movement.

Squat right: When it comes to squats, balance and body alignment is important. Do not bend too forward nor go down below your knee level. When squatting, arch your back, your abs should be tight, head up and your body should be in proper alignment. Do not let your knees cross your toes, and do not lock your knees as you lift yourself.

Full range motion: When weight training even if you do easy and few exercises make a note to do full range motions. There are two benefits: your joints are more mobile, but more importantly your muscle has a boost of strength when completely extended.

Straighten your back for a deadlift: If you arch your back, chances are you will risk a slip disc or hernia. Also keep your head in neutral position, not up or down.

Bench press posture: You may think that bench press doesn't have a right posture, but arching your back can induce lower back pain. Here's what you should do; feet should be on the floor, butt on the bench, with slight arch in your lower back and you're good to go.

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