



One of the most dangerous places to accumulate excessive body fat is in the abdomen; one of the major risk factors for the development of serious heart diseases is an expanded waist line.

If you have a large mid region, you have to do your best to burn your excessive belly fat and you can make use of the following steps to burn off your abdominal fat:

Get adequate sleep

Stop working late into the night; when you sleep late without getting enough sleep you wake up feeling groggy and very tired. This only makes you crave seriously for sugary foods that end up accumulating more fat into your body.

Also, lack of good and adequate sleep will cause your body to produce more insulin hormone which also leads to more accumulation of body fat. Therefore, make sure that you get at least seven hours of sleep every night if you want to get a flat and trim belly.

Engage in plank exercises

One good and simple exercise that you can use to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles is the planking exercise and these are the steps that you will take to do the plank exercise:
  • First of all, lie down on your face on a mat with your palms flat on the mat.
  • Raise your body off the floor on your toes and elbows thus resting your body weight on your toes, forearms and elbows.
  • Keep your body in a straight line like a rigid plank; maintain a straight body line from your head to your heels.
  • Hold your body in this plank like position for about 20 to 60 seconds; breathe heavily as you hold your body in this position.
  • Lower your body and torso slowly back to the mat. Repeat this exercise routine three to five times.
Stay off sugar

To successfully burn off belly fat, you have to focus at least 20% of your efforts on engaging in the right exercises and the remaining 80% of your efforts on adjusting your diet.

No matter how good your exercise routine is, if you consume more calories than what you are burning with exercise, you will not lose weight. Most of your belly fat was derived from the sugar and not the fatty foods that you ate.

So, reduce your calorie intake by eating less sugar and more proteins and vegetables; swap your sugar laden snacks with sugar free snacks; eat muscle milk lite instead of the usual sugary latte.

Also if you add some cinnamon to your coffee or breakfast oatmeal, it will help to stabilize your blood sugar.

Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to control cortisol hormone spikes during periods of stress thus helping to reduce the fat accumulation ability of cortisol. This vitamin also aids the production of carnitine which aids the body to burn fat; if you are passing through a period of great emotional stress, consume lots of foods like bell peppers, kale and onions which contain high levels of vitamin C.

Consume good fat

Even though this might sound ridiculous, you can actually use good fat to burn off bad fat; you can eat foods that contain lots of good healthy omega 3 fatty acids like salmons, avocados and walnuts. These foods make you feel satisfied easily thus reducing your craving and appetite for sugar rich foods.

Credit : Bell G Smith

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