



Do you envy someone with beautiful long hair? Well, it will be not be the same anymore. Know the secrets of how to grow hair long and beautiful.

Trim hair frequently 

It is important to trim your hair once in three months. Not trimming your hair for long time will surely lead to split ends. Hair grows by about 12 cm every year. Male hair grows more quickly than female hair. You must have noticed that your dad or your brother visit the salon once in a month to chop their hair. Regular trimming prevents hair from getting damaged. If you are thinking that you should keep a pair of scissors away from your hair, then you are wrong. A pair of scissors once in a while will save you a fortune.

Conditioning is important 

Are you dreaming to get lustrous long locks? Are you craving for silky hair? To induce hair growth you need to understand how to condition your hair properly. Make it a routine to apply a good quality conditioner after shampooing your hair. Deep conditioning is the secret to get healthy looking hair. Well maintained hair grows fast. Keep your hair clean and see them growing day by day.

Oil your hair 

No, you need not need to apply oil and step out of the house. Remember, applying oil does not have any other substitute. If you want long and healthy hair, you have to apply oil. Massage your scalp with warm oil once or twice a week. For best results keep it overnight. Coconut hair oil helps hair grow faster. Almond hair oil is a great source of vitamin E, which is beneficial for hair growth. Tonight ask your hubby to give you a soothing hair massage and let your hair down.

Say yes to natural hair 

If you are using a blow dryer after each and every wash, just throw it away, dump it or get rid of it. Heat appliances are responsible for most of the hair damage. Let you hair dry naturally. You will get long hair when you do something to boost its growth. Curling irons, straightening irons, and blow dryers slow down your hair growth. Start to Love your natural hair and you will never experience problems like hair fall and dry hair.

Avoid chemical treatments 

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. All hair colouring products make use of chemicals such as peroxide. Instead make use of natural hair colouring methods. Apply henna and get instant shine in your hair instead of suffocating it of harsh chemicals. Chemicals hinder the growth of the hair. Frequent use of the chemicals will have adverse effects on your hair.

Eat balanced food 

Healthy and balanced diet is what you need to grow your hair long in less time. Do not opt for crash diets and do not go on fasting for long time. Have three to four small meals through out the day and include food from every major food group to receive maximum amount of nutrients. For good hair try whole meal products, eggs, liver, kidneys, vitamin D, herrings, salmon, carrots, green vegetables, and vitamin C. Eat right and get long healthy tresses.

Hair growing tips 

The ultimate truth about hair growth is 'just wait and watch'. There is no such magic wand that will turn your bob hair to knee length. But that does not mean you can not boost the growth of your hair. Here are some tips to get healthy hair. If your tresses are healthy they will grow faster.
  • Sleep well and get minimum eight hours of sleep every day. 
  • Do not comb your hair when they are wet. Do not harshly rub your hair with towel. 
  • Drink plenty of water. Carry a water bottle every where you go and keep sipping through out the day. 
  • Do not wash your hair daily. Let the natural conditioner show its magic. 
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. If possible use cold water while shampooing your hair. 
  • Use good quality protective hair serum with SPF (sun protection factor) before stepping out in the sun. 
  • Do not do up hairstyles that will put pressure on you hair like tight braids and french twist. Make use of good quality hair accessories. 

You may consider vitamin supplements with the consultation of your doctor that will help you to grow your hair fast.

Do not worry much. Just do whatever you can do to get your hair growing. If you are thinking that one fine day you will wake up and find your self having beautiful long mane, then you need to step out of your world of fantasies. Be patient, wait and wait some more. Soon you will be flaunting your long hair. Then it will be time for others to go green with envy and wish that they had long hair just like yours. Are you thinking of having a hair massage tonight? Well, good luck!

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