



A common misconception among a lot of stay-at-home moms and housewives is that their house work keeps them fit. Although being a mom and a home maker is a full-time job with the stress levels of any other profession, the physical exertion part of it is still minimal. Stay-at-home moms need to work out to stay fit! This is important because years of restricting yourself to work around the house can be harmful in the long run.

We put together a list of convenient activities that will ensure that you become a fit and fighting supermom.

This makes it to the top of our list simply because of its convenience. Gymming is the best option for stay-at-home moms because it's efficient, it ensures you stay fit and you can schedule it anywhere in your daily time table. Gymming is extremely flexible as all it requires is an hour or two in an entire day. The best part about gymming is that it not only burns fat and makes your heart healthier but also tones your body and gets you in shape!

Nothing can get you as fresh in the morning as a good run. And the best time to do this is before the house wakes up and begins the daily chaos! Getting out early in the morning can do wonders for your mood and body and will keep you relaxed throughout the day. If you cannot find the time in the morning, try going for evening walks or jogs. But do better than the slow trudging that most women do nowadays. Get your heart beating and blood pumping with a jog around the block!

Yoga is the best option if you are really short of time. A quick 30 minutes of yoga can have you up and about as fresh as a flower. Yoga does not exert your body too much and definitely has good effects in the long run. Practicing yoga regularly can make you more focused, will improve your flexibility and improve blood circulation. Try and get other moms in your area to join you, and start a yoga club!

Though most people consider aerobics outdated, one cannot deny that it was effective, fun and convenient! Many moms and housewives still swear by aerobics. Aerobics can give you a workout that is more than sufficient to keep you fit. And it can be fun as a group activity with other moms is a great opportunity to socialize as well. Aerobics keeps you looking fit, hot and in tune with the latest dance tracks!

Exercise Clubs 
Now a common feature in many housing societies in urban cities of India, exercise clubs are the perfect option for stay at home moms and housewives today. There are different types of exercise clubs like cycling clubs, dancing clubs, spinning clubs etc. that believe in the theory that working out as a group is more effective than working out alone. Such clubs are ideal because working out as a team can keep you motivated! If you do not know of such a club in your area, start one! Being part of a cycling or aerobics club can really be good for your health, both mental and physical.

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