



Do you wish to have long, strong, healthy and beautiful hair? Here are some natural home remedies for hair growth and for having a beautiful mane of hair.

In case you are worried about your hair loss and inadequate growth of your hair, then home remedies for hair growth will solve your problem to a very large extent. A number of factors like our diet, physical stress, mental stress, water intake, sleeping patterns combined with hereditary factors directly impact the growth of our hair.

Normally, on an average hair grows at the speed of 12 to 15 centimeters every year. In case you are looking for home remedies for hair growth it is important to understand at the outset itself that there is no magical cure for growing your hair quickly. However, there are remedies which can help to make your hair strong and healthy, thereby ensuring that it grows properly. Following are some of the most effective home remedies for hair growth:

Onion Remedy - Applying minced onion to the hair is one of the best home remedies for hair growth. You must apply minced onion in your hair and let it stay on the hair for around fifteen minutes, after which it can be washed off with a mild shampoo. For those of you who find the smell of onion repulsive it may be worthwhile to apply minced or ground onion after mixing it directly with your shampoo.

Another popular onion based remedy for hair growth requires adding minced onion to the shampoo. Let it stand for fifteen days and use the shampoo regularly whenever you wash your hair. In addition to accelerating hair growth this remedy is known to give hair a glacial shine.

Onion-Garlic-Cinnamon Remedy - This is a powerful hair pack to accelerate hair growth. For preparing this pack you must take half an onion, four garlic pods and two sticks of cinnamon. Boil water in a pan and put garlic cloves, cinnamon sticks and onion in it. Let it cool to lukewarm level and use it as a hair rinse for four consecutive days to promote hair growth.

Lime Juice Remedy - It is a myth that lime juice greys the hair. Lime has excellent acidic properties and is a powerful home remedy for a number of common health issues. To get thick, luscious hair lemon juice must be combined with onions. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and minced onion and use it as a hair pack for massaging the scalp.

Grape Seed Oil Remedy - This oil is believed to promote hair growth. It can be used for massaging the scalp every day before bedtime. However, ensure to wash it off the following morning. For proper hair growth remember to always keep your scalp clean. You must never clog hair follicles with oil or such other hair packs.

Honey and Aloe Vera Remedy - For making use of this home remedy you must cut three Aloe Vera leaves and scrape off the gel. Mix the gel with honey in equal part and apply it to the scalp. Let it remain on the scalp for 20 minutes after which rinse with a mild shampoo.

Although hair experts believe that there is no guaranteed way to accelerate the growth of hair, there are a number of natural home remedies which have been used by people for centuries and passed down from generation to generation. Natural herbs, fruits and vegetables are some of the most common and effective remedies for stimulating hair growth and promoting overall good health. And the only way to find out whether these will work specifically for you or not is to test it out yourself.

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