



Looking after your eyes is very important to ensure general good health and t avoid a range of difficulties in your day to day life. Our vision is very crucial to us for going about our regular business, and if you don't keep it in check then you might struggle with tasks like reading, driving and using the computer at work.

Still though, our eyes can deteriorate like anything else and particularly if we don't look after them. Here then we will look at some ways you can protect your eye health and avoid needing glasses sooner than necessary.

Eat Well
Eating correctly doesn't just benefit your gut, it can help other aspects of your health too all the way down to your vision. Eating things like blueberries can greatly improve your vision, for instance in this case blueberries contain something called 'anthocyanosides' which have been proven to help avoid macular degeneration, cataracts, myopia and all kinds of other eye problems. The antioxidants here can also protect your eye health by avoiding damage for your eye cells caused by free radicals. Make sure then that you maintain the best diet possible and get lots of colourful fruits and super foods in there to avoid losing your eyesight before your time.

You should avoid straining your eyes as much as possible and this means making sure that you don't concentrate too hard for too long without making arrangements to limit the damage. For instance then, if you use a computer a lot then you can reduce the strain you place on your eyes by making sure that you take a break at least every fifteen minutes, and by making sure that your positioned so that it will avoid glare (that means making sure you don't have windows behind you) and that you use a glare protector when you can't do that.

Meanwhile you can also help your eyes by using large fonts on your devices, and by making sure that the contrast is high. When you're watching TV or playing computer games it's the change in brightness that can place strain on our eyes and be hard for us to adjust to, so make sure you have the lights on rather than watching in a dark room and in this case turn the contrast down.

Another thing that can damage your eyes of course is UV rays, and it's very important to make sure that you don't look directly at the sun or too near it too often. Invest in some good sun glasses and make sure that you actually wear them when you need to.

Getting regular checkups can help your eye health a lot, and by catching problems early you can have the necessary surgery to fix them. For instance in the case of something like cataracts this can often be relatively easily treated by surgery, but when it progresses beyond a certain point it becomes more difficult. Go regularly and do what you have to do to secure your long term eye health.

Credit : Owen Zoey

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