



Alcohol addiction is more risky to women as compared to men. Read about the common causes of alcohol addiction in women, the warning signs of alcohol addiction and health risks associated with alcohol addiction to women.

Alcohol is one of the most addictive and serious health challenges for women. Even when consumed in moderate quantities it affects women drastically and differently as compared to men. Certain research studies have indicated the possibility of heavy drinking being far more risky for women than it is for men. The purpose of this article is to highlight how alcohol can impact a woman’s health and safety.

At the outset it is important to understand that no amount of alcohol consumption is safe for women in general. The manner in which alcohol affects men and women is not the same. Further, women who are addicted to drinking have higher death rates because of suicide, accidents, and other mental health related issues.

Why do Women Drink?

Most of the reasons for women taking alcoholic drinks are almost the same as that of men- to relax, to gain confidence in social situations, sleep better and to relieve stress.

Some of the other reasons why women drink alcohol are as follows:

Relationship Failures - Women are more likely to drink if they have issues with their close relatives like spouse, children or parents.

Single Woman – Alcohol addiction is more common in women who are unmarried, divorced, or separated. Similarly women who have been sexually abused are more likely to drink as compared to normal women.

Spouse - Women whose husbands are addicted to drinking get hooked to alcohol easily. Women may start initially with a small peg to give company to her spouse and can gradually increase which may result in permanent addiction.

Health Risks of Alcohol Addiction to Women

Here are some of the health risks which can be caused to women addicted to alcohol.

Excessive alcohol consumption is not advisable for both men and women. Some of the related risks associated with alcohol consumption by women include:

Cancer - Risk of cancer of the breast, neck and head increases significantly in case of women who drink alcohol regularly

Brain Damage - Alcohol is capable of destroying brain cells and women are more susceptible to this effect of alcohol as compared to men.

Fertility and Conception - Alcohol can impact a woman's fertility or ability to conceive. Further, alcohol consumption during pregnancy can affect an unborn child also. During pregnancy it is absolutely unsafe to consume alcohol as it may adversely affect the unborn baby.

Psychological Issues - Mental depression, insomnia and heart failure are common in women drinkers. Women who drink are more susceptible to becoming victims of sexual assault or such other acts of violence.

Warning Signs of Alcohol Problems

If you cannot keep away from alcohol even for a single day you may be addicted to alcohol without realising it. The risk of developing an alcohol addiction is higher if you or your family member has a history of alcoholism. Some warning signs of alcohol addiction to look out for include:
  • Drinking more than seven alcohol based drinks per week.
  • Urge and desire to drink alone or early in the day. In extreme cases the urge may turn into desperation.  
  • Missing work, college or school because of the desire to drink or previous day hangover.   
  • Driving under the impact of alcohol.
  • To get a pleasurable response drinking more alcohol than the normal quantity that you may be used to. 
Although the risk of consuming alcohol is very high there are certain benefits associated with moderate consumption by women over the age of 55. For example if you happen to be over the age of 55 having one drink a day can lower your risk of heart disease. Having one alcoholic drink per day is considered to be moderate drinking. However, it is important to bear in mind the fact that alcohol offers no health benefits to women younger than 55 years of age. Additionally women who drink beyond moderation may increase their risk of heart disease.

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