



Potato is used in many Indian recipes. The potato is not only good for health but also used in many beauty remedies. Read about the health benefits of potato right here.

Recent research studies have indicated that after sugar, carbohydrates such as potatoes are one of the first things that people keeping a close watch on weight stay away from. Ironically a cooked new potato has only 26 calories and is full of nutrients. It does not add to body fat significantly and in fact has numerous health benefits.

Potatoes have complex carbohydrates that provide short and instant energy boost. Potatoes are filling foods which help to keep a check on binge-eating which we frequently indulge in.

Potatoes are an excellent source of fuel and energy for our bodies, which are required by us especially when we are on a diet. Being a rich source of carbohydrate it helps to fuel all reactions in the body that is required for simple thinks like movement, thinking, digestion and cellular renewal.

Potato Health Facts

Following are some of the other health benefits of potatoes

Vitamin Booster - Potatoes were consumed by sailors in the 19th Century to prevent scurvy. Being rich in immune-boosting Vitamin C, a medium sized potato with the skin provides 27mg, which is roughly half of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C by adults. Potatoes are also a rich source of folate, Vitamin B, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron.

Blood Pressure - Scientific food research studies have indicated that potatoes contain blood-pressure lowering molecules known as “kukoamines”. Although the exact quantity of potatoes you need to consume to have the desired effect on blood pressure levels is yet to be determined, a couple of servings if consumed on a daily basis can impact blood pressure levels in a positive manner.

Protection Against Cardiovascular Diseases - There are approximately 60 different kinds of Phyto-chemicals and vitamins that are found in potato skins. Many of these are flavonoids that help protect against cardiovascular-disease by lowering levels of bad LDL-cholesterol and keeping arteries free of fat.

Vitamin B present in potatoes is also useful to protect arteries. Vitamin B6, found in potatoes, is capable of reducing the levels of a molecule called Homocysteine which is involved in furring up and inflamming the arteries. High Homocysteine levels are linked with a significantly increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Gut - A baked potato provides approximately 12 percent of the daily recommended amount of fibre. Intake of dietary fibre supports healthy digestion, regular bowel movements and at the same time provides protection against colon cancer. However, it is important to bear in mind the fact that most potato fibre is found in its skin.

Stress - Potatoes contain Vitamin B6, which is required by our bodies for cellular renewal, maintaining a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood. 200grams of baked potato contains 21 per cent of the daily value of this vitamin.

Digestion - Since potatoes largely contain carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This makes potatoes a good diet for patients, babies and for people who cannot digest hard food but at the same time require energy. Potatoes also have fibre or roughage which is present more in raw or cold potatoes as compared to boiled or hot ones.

Skin Care - Vitamin-C, B-complex, magnesium, potassium, zinc and phosphorus found in potatoes are very beneficial for our skin. A very effective face pack for skin and face can be easily made at home by mixing the pulp obtained from crushed raw potatoes and honey. This face pack is useful to cure pimples and skin spots.

A potato can be used in many beauty and health remedies too. Potato consumed in moderate quantities can prove very beneficial for health. Therefore, consume potato in a right proportion to reap its maximum benefits.

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