



Have you ever seen a thin layer of skin grow over the new growth of hair on your legs? This is hair in-growth. In-grown hair is like a curse to beautiful skin. Have you wondered why the irritating skin problem strikes women soon after a hair removal session? Hair in-growth is a result of using improper methods for hair removal and unhygienic conditions while removing hair. Sometimes it may also occur naturally. Hormonal imbalance can also be one of the reasons to cause hair in-growth.

Most women have good looking hands and legs along with a good looking face. But after shaving and waxing hands and legs, the most common problem faced is hair in-growth. Problems like itching, rashes, pus collection and infection are faced because of in-grown hair. This mainly happens when skin grows above the left over hair after waxing or shaving. People with curly hair are more prone to the problem of hair in-growth. Read on to find some tips to stay away from the painful and irritating hair in-growth.

Tips for preventing hair in-growth

You take care of your face, by applying suitable products or getting clean-ups and facials done to look better. Here are some things which you can do to prevent hair in-growth and make your hands and legs look beautiful too.
  • Moisturise your skin frequently, do not let your skin go dry as it might lead to hair in growth
  • Avoid reverse shaving, shaving hair too closely may also increase chances of hair in growth
  • Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes as it might change the direction of hair growth resulting in ingrown hair
  • Exfoliate your skin after waxing or shaving
  • Avoid shaving dry skin. Make your skin wet before shaving
  • Massage your skin with good skin cream after waxing or shaving
  • Avoid shaving on one part or area of skin for longer time
  • Use warm water to make your hands and legs wet before shaving or waxing
  • Avoid waxing your hands and legs at shorter intervals to avoid hair in-growth, it leads to hair breakage. Let there be full growth before a waxing appointment
  • Avoid exerting too much of pressure on your skin while removing hair
  • Try changing your shaving pattern. However, avoid shaving if you want to delay hair growth
  • Use medically safe products manufactured for preventing hair in-growth
  • Use products especially manufactured for sensitive skin for preventing in-grown hair
  • Consult your doctor if such in-grown hair causes infection and problems like accumulation of pus and get it treated at the earliest
  • Use a pumice stone while taking bath. Do not be harsh, a mild rub will exfoliate the skin
  • Keep your skin moisturised, exfoliated and pampered always
Get rid of in-grown hair

If you already have in-grown hair, you can take following measures to deal with the problem. Here are some measures that can be adopted while getting rid of the in-grown hair.
  • Shave in different direction, it may help in getting rid of in-grown hair
  • Remove the left over hair after waxing or shaving
  • Use facial scrub, a loofah, sponges or towel for exfoliating your skin
  • Use antibacterial soaps to wash the skin where hair in-growth is present
  • Use products with salicylic acid on your skin after shaving. Salicylic acid ensures exfoliation as well moisturises your skin and also prevents infection
All of the above techniques are used to deal with in-grown hair some people get rid of in-grown hair by permanently removing hair. It is done with the help of laser surgeries involving lots of money. Take good care of your skin to stay away from hair in-growth. Instead of worrying about hair in-growth, try and prevent it. All that lovely legs and hands need is, love.

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