



Strictly speaking, Leucoderma is not a medical term, though it has come to mean any white/light coloured skin patch. Very broadly, white patches can be acquire or may be there at birth. Again, both acquire and innate skin patches can result from horde of reason. While innate patches are not of much importance - since a majority of them are birthmarks anyway, the disease wherein acquired patch expand is generally referred to as Leucoderma. extra acquired white patches usually go after some previous confusion.

Causes of Leucoderma
  • Skin trauma
  • Sunburn
  • Mental worry or stress
  • Heredity factors
  • Physical illness
  • Excessive thinking
  • Chronic gastric problems
  • Improper liver functions
  • Worms/parasites in the digestive system
  • Burns and injuries
  • Impaired hepatic occupation
  • Pressure from tight clothes
  • Defective perspiratory mechanism
  • Certain occupational hazards
Symptoms of Leucoderma
  • The whiteness starts as a small discolored white or pale brown spot, which spreads and becomes whiter after a few days, finally turning milky white in color
  • Alopecia or loss of hair
  • Premature graying of hair
  • General weakness
  • Sensitivity towards cold
  • Hair on the affected area also become white
Treatment of Leucoderma

Ayurveda first tackles chronic forms of constipation, indigestion and/or dysentery. It is only when all or any of these three abnormalities of the body are cured that Leucoderma can be dealt with permanently

Patients suffering from Leucoderma must cure constipation. Regular association of entrails is important for the purgation of the accumulated toxic substance within the body. The finest Ayurvedic medication to ensure every day bowel actions is Triphala powder. Mentionably, constipation as fit as Leucoderma is motivated by psychic factors. Therefore, such patients have got to always stay away from situation that cause mental injure. They should always stay free from nervousness, worry and all forms of mental tension.

Home Remedies of Leucoderma
  • 'Amla' juice with honey is helpful for the treatment of leucoderma.
  • 'Giloy' juice is help in leucoderma
  • Cow's urine woks effectively in leucoderma
  • 'Shwet jayanti' root with cow milk on every Sunday is oldest therapy
  • 'Harad', 'neem' leaf juice and 'amla' helpful in leucoderma
  • Seeds of 'bakuchi'with luke water and its paste on affected area
  • Paste of 'aparajita's root with cow's urine on affected area
Credit : Dr.Charlesbuchar

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