



Good looking abdominal area is an add-on to the beauty of your body. It is a must to give exercise to the abdominal area to make it good looking. Read on to find various abdominal exercises or exercise for your abs. 

Crunch, thrust and squat, you have done  all to get that six packs or the perfectly toned abs look. You need to know  that the most effective exercise for abs is when you target the rectus  abdominis, which is the six pack and the obliques, which means the waist. Given  below are few effective exercises for those well-toned abs. But one must  remember before jumping on to an exercise routine, it is always advisable to  consult a fitness expert who will guide you through it after taking into consideration your body  type and stamina. This is essential in order to obtain the maximum benefits. 

Bicycle  Workout for Abs 

Here is how you can give a good workout to your abs. 

  • Lie on a mat with face  up. Bring up your hands behind the head as you support it lightly with your  fingers. 
  • Bring up the knees to  your chest as you lift your shoulder blades slowly from the floor. Do not pull  your neck while doing this. 
  • Turn to your left and  bring your right elbow toward your left knee. Your other leg must be straight. 
  • Repeat the process as you  turn right. Bring your left elbow toward your right knee. 
  • This is called the  pedalling motion and you need to do both sides alternately in 1 to 3 sets for  12 to 16 reps.
Captain's  Chair Exercise for Abs

Have a quick look at the captain's chair  exercise for abs. 
  • Stand upright on top of  a chair. Stabilise and station the upper body by gripping the hand-holds. 
  • Hold your back firmly against the pad. Contract your abs muscles. Now raise your legs as you  try to lift your knees towards the chest. 
  • Note, that you must not  arch backwards or swing your legs upwards. 
  • Now slowly lower your  back. Repeat this in 1 to 3 sets for 12 to 16 reps. 
Long  Arm Crunch Exercise for Abs 

Let us have a look at how you can  practice long arm crunch exercise for your abs. 
  • Lie on a mat. Clasp  your hands and stretch your arms straight behind your head. The position of  your arms must be next to your ears. 
  • Contract your abs as  you lift your shoulder blades from the floor. 
  • Your arms must be  straight, be careful not to strain your neck. If you feel uncomfortable, place  one hand behind your head and keep the other hand in the extended position. 
  • Lower your arm and  repeat in 1 to 3 sets for 12 to 16 reps. 
  • The intensity can be  enhanced by holding a light dumbbell.
Ball  Crunch Exercise for Abs

Find a step by step procedure for  practising ball crunch exercise for your abs. 
  • Position the ball under  your lower back as you lie on it. 
  • You can either cross  your arms and place them over your chest or place them behind your head. 
  • Contract your abs as  you lift your torso off the ball. Alongside you must pull the bottom side of  your rib-cage towards the hip. 
  • You will attain a  curling posture.  Keep note that the ball must be stable all this while, it should not roll  about. 
  • Your abs will feel the  stretch as you lower the back down. Repeat 1 to 3 sets for 12 to 16 reps.
Ab exercises besides  giving you flat abs; strengthen your arms, back, claves and shoulders.  According to the American Council on Exercises, the above exercises target the  abs very effectively thus giving a strong core. Strong abs is important for  keeping the body healthy and also for protecting the spine. Exercises for abs  don not help in reducing the fat from the belly area but help in toning and  strengthening the core.

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