



Halitosis is due to bacteria in the mouth breaking down proteins to volatile Sulphur Compounds that smell. These bad breath sulphur compounds are actually the waste products from the bacteria. For many individuals, bad breath is not a just of minor concern. Instead, it is a problem that they have to deal with all the time. Bad breath can be depressing and embarrassing. Especially when you notice people are joking about it and criticizing you about it. Trying to control it and get rid of it can be a hassle. So, here are some tips on how to control bad breath.

1. To control the bad breath, the most important and easiest way is to maintain proper oral health. Most dentists recommend brushing at least 3 times a day and use dental floss at least twice a day. Follow these simple steps, you are essentially half the battle.

2. Wash the tongue with baking soda dissolved in warm water to reduce the acidity in your mouth, making a less-friendly environment for the bacteria to grow.

3. Eating yogurt is one way to control your bad breath. Yogurt has bacteria cultures in it that helps get rid of the bad bacteria that's in your mouth that cause your breath to stink. So, make sure you eat yogurt two times a day for at least six weeks.

4. Eliminated the  plaque build-up, which may  attack your gums, which means that the appropriate way to use up and down movement of the brush, rather than one side to the other side of the brush movement.

5. Drink plenty of water – It is a well know fact that dry mouth can lead to unpleasant breath. You should always keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You want to avoid bacteria from thriving in your mouth otherwise; you'll get bad breath very quickly. When you are properly hydrated, you produce more saliva which helps prevent bacteria from flourishing. This is one of the best bad breath cure.

6. Another way to control bad breath is to brush your teeth. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal. Also, make sure you floss at least once a week. This will help you get rid of the bacteria, food, and plaque that are between your teeth that cause your breath to stink.

7. Avoid mouthwashes with dyes and alcohol. Use mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite or zinc as they serve as an antibacterial agent that can control the number of anaerobic bacteria in mouth.

8. By drinking a cup of warm tea? You bet! Believe it or not tea can actually help you in your quest to combat bad breath. Certain compounds in tea such as polyphenols, theaflavins, and catechins are highly effective against bacteria growth which can cause bad breath.

9. Use a plastic spoon to scrape off white residue on your tongue– this is often the culprit. Or buy a tongue scraper at a drugstore.

Credit : Charles Zoe

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