



Nowadays the number of people suffering from obesity has increased in an alarming rate. It is the accumulation of fat that gets deposited in the body and there is increase in the normal weight level of the person. Nature has designed everything within, in a balanced way. A human body is also designed and therefore need of balanced food is required to maintain good health and keep fit and healthy always.

When people start eating more than the normal requirement of the body, it gets accumulated and gets deposited as fat in the body. Obesity and overweight should not be confused. Obesity is a result of bad eating habits and choosing the wrong time to eat as well. However, overweight can be heredity and most often these people cannot overcome this problem completely.

Causes of Obesity
  • Stress is one of the main causes behind obesity. Many people seek refuge from stress in the food items they like and in this way go on gaining weight. This further increases the depression.
  • Today with the availability of fast food and various instant food preparations, people have stopped paying attention to nutrition in their daily diet.
  • The sedentary lifestyle is also a reason behind obesity. Today we have all sorts of electrical gadgets at home and we do not have to labor to achieve anything.
  • Nervous tension and psychological disturbances also lead to obesity.
  • Thyroid and digestive disorders also lead to obesity.
  • Intakes of some medications cause immense and speedy weight gain.
Yoga for Obesity
  • Yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana and similar yoga asanas are helpful in getting rid of obesity.
  • Running, swimming, brisk walking and such vigorous exercises done on daily basis helps in overcoming obesity problems.
  • Pranayamas like Kapal Bhati, Anulome Viloma and Bhastrika are helpful.
  • People suffering from thyroid problem must do Ujjayee Pranayama.
Diet for Obesity
  • Fix your time for lunch and dinner.
  • Maintain a difference of at least 4 hours before you eat anything.
  • Add fruits and vegetables as well as salads and soups to your diet.
  • Increase intake of fiber and reduce fat intake at the same time.
  • Also reduce sweets, butter, cheese and rich dairy products in your meals.
Change in Lifestyle
  • Switch to healthy eating.
  • Avoid fast food and instant food items.
  • Do not sleep more than 6 – 7 hours a day.
  • Consult a dietician and get help so that weight reduction can be done faster.
  • Get a professional massage and steam bath from time to time.
  • Give up addictions like cigarette smoking, alcohol and other drugs.
These tips are definitely going to help you get rid of obesity. But remember, you have to have patience and give enough time. Workout consistently and believe in yoga asanas and pranayamas. These are age old tradition and they will not only help you reduce your weight. You will gain overall health benefit through this.

Just keep in mind that you learn the yoga asanas from a professional yoga guru and start doing in his presence. If you find any kind of problem or difficulty, you should consult your doctor regarding it.

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