Treating eye wrinkles cheaply is often thought of as impossible without forking out sums of dollars in order to use some of the most expensive eye creams and serums, as we're led to believe they will deliver the most outstanding results - but this is not the case.
We get eye wrinkles through a number of factors:
1 We age, simple as that, and if you're a happy expressing person this will mean you use your eyes and your smile a lot to portray your positive persona. This means that you're constantly using habitual expressions to express your personality, which may mean you will develop creases and then wrinkles around the eyes and mouth earlier on life.
Nothing wrong with being a positive and loved individual but creases may occur just that little bit earlier than if you were to inhabit an expressionless and slightly dower personality!
2 The sun is also probably the greatest contributor to facial and eye wrinkles as ultraviolet lights slowly breakdown the skins surface layer causing an over production of melanin, which may in some cases lead to skin cancer.
Spending continuous hours under the sun causes the breakdown of collagen and a reduction of fat cells which both contribute to less tighter skin, and this in turn creates gaps causing our skin to crack, crease then wrinkle.
3 This loss of elasticity is also caused by the toxins in the air or "free-radicals" as they're termed. Car and cigarette smoke and generally polluted air environments all take their toll, so continually being exposed to these toxins will also have an effect.
How to Treat Eye Wrinkles Cheaply:
If you want to treat eye wrinkles cheaply yet reap successful results you need to consider what ingredients to target to get the most out of your eye serum, cream or gel.
Some of the most expensive products today all contain one or at least all of the following ingredients:
Collagen - in the form of a serum or gel patch.
Q 10 or Vitamin Q - which is found in certain fish but is also produced naturally in our bodies, and is at the heart of instructing energy to our skin cells.
Vitamin C - which is a wonderful anti-oxidant found in topical creams that protects the skin from free radicals while revitalizing the skin's outer layer.
Hyalluronic Acid - this helps draw moisture from deeper layers in the skin, trapping it in the surface layer and giving your skin hydration and vitality.
Vitamin B - another skin rejuvenation Vitamin, Vitamin B helps instruct collagen production in the epidermis, contributing to the tightening of skin.
All these 5 active ingredients while present in some of the most expensive products are also found in products under the $50 dollar mark which don't have to contend with heavy marketing campaigns and the expensive packaging of their product.
So treating eye wrinkles cheaply is more than possible nowadays.
Credit : Richard R Michaels
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