



You may have heard of people getting successful mole removal with honey and wondered if you could have some success with this method. I am sharing the steps you can follow to remove a mole in this way so you can give it a go and see for yourself how successful it is.

I can relate to anyone who has a mole they would like to get rid of because my fair skin was filled with them! Kids in school used to tease and for years I thought it was just something I had to live with.

You can remove a mole with honey and here are the steps to take:

1. Make sure the area surrounding the mole is clean, you want the area to be free of oils that naturally occur on the skin surface so take a washcloth with some soapy water and wipe the area clean.

2. Use normal table honey from the grocery store. The type of honey should not matter but note that you would like to be at room temperature, do not stick the bottle in the refrigerator or heat it as this may change the nature of the enzymes.

3. Apply a liberal amount of honey to the mole and then cover with a band-aid so the honey is held in place.

4. Reapply each day (I recommend reapplying twice a day) and place a new band-aid on each time.

You may need to reapply for days of longer depending on a variety of factors such as the moles initial size, whether it is raised or flat, whether there are layers of dark pigment below the skin, proper application, and so on.

The reason honey is effective at getting rid of moles and skin blemishes is because of the enzymes found in honey. Even though honey has been used for hundreds of years as a home remedy for skin blemishes, it was not until recently that scientists fully understood the healing properties of honey. Honey helps the skin through these healing enzymes and it also contains nourishing vitamins and minerals as well as antibiotic properties.

There are other methods of mole removal such as surgery and laser treatments but there are things to consider with these methods, in particular the high cost and possibility of scarring. My personal opinion is to try a home remedy first as I find they are very inexpensive and typically have very few side effects. Note: you should have any mole evaluated for cancer first before applying a home remedy - don't take a chance.

I hope you have found this information helpful. You can get successful mole removal with honey and there are other home remedies available as well that will allow you to fade your moles away.

About Tips Parks

Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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