



Moles are a common skin growth that affects all people. The good thing is that most moles are harmless and many people have no problem accepting them as part of their appearance. There are others however who see the presence of moles on the body as ugly, and would rather remove them.

Moles are as a result of hyper-pigmentation of a particular area of the skin. This portion of the skin becomes dark, and can even become totally black. Mole size can range from very small to large and ugly.

For people wishing to remove a mole, there are a number of chemical based products on market which claim to do this. In some cases however the use of these products can result in aggravating the condition further. A natural remedy is therefore a better and safer solution.. Listed below is a selection of the most effective natural remedies:

  1. Cashew fruits- crush some cashew fruits (not the nuts) and place them on the moles. Apply s daily for about three weeks. For even better results (if you can stomach it) chew the cashew and then place it on the mole.
  2. Walnuts- make some cuts the outer shell until juice oozes out. Apply this juice to the mole. You may notice a tingling sensation and the area around the mole may darken
  3. Garlic- take a single clove and cut into halves. Place the garlic slice on the mole and leave overnight, tied with a cloth bandage.
  4. Coriander- grind it to make a poultice and apply this on the mole. It will usually disappear in a few days.
  5. Onion- apply the juice of onion to the moles on a regular basis.
  6. Cumin seeds- grind and make a poultice and apply this poultice to the mole. This is especially god for bleeding moles..
  7. Pineapple- apply the juice of a fresh pineapple to the mole and it will disappear within a few days of continuous application. You can apply the juice in the night and leave it on the skin while you sleep.
  8. Sour apples- extract some juice and apply to mole three times day for three weeks. You will notice it moles fade away.
  9. Banyan- apply the milky juice obtained from the trunk of the banyan tree to the root.
  10. Dandelion root- cut a root of the dandelion and rub it on to the mole the mole twice or three times a day.
  11. Potassium- taken internally in the form of supplement or in the form of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis
  12. Iodine- rub tincture of iodine on the mole at night and in two to three days the mole will start to vanish.
  13. Drumsticks- grind some pods into a paste and mix with some freshly extracted lime juice. Apply this paste to moles which will begin to thin and disappear.
  14. Pomegranate - roast some peel of the fruit and mix an equal amount by weight of lime juice to make a paste. Apply to the mole three times a day.
  15. Baking soda - take a pinch and moisten it a few drops of castor oil. Dab this paste onto the mole and leave it overnight. Do this continuously for a few days.
  16. Potato- slice a potato and place on the mole for several nights.
  17. Banana peel- slice and place a piece of the inner side of the peel on the for several days
  18. Cauliflower- extract the juice of the cauliflower on a fresh basis each day, and apply it on the mole.
  19. Grapefruit- apply the juice to the moles repeatedly several times a day. This will ensure the removal of your moles within a month.
  20. Radish- place a piece on the mole and change three to four times in a day..
  21. Fig- make an incision on the stem and extract the milky juice exude from it. Apply this juice to the moles.
  22. Aloe Vera- apply this to the mole with a cotton bandage and keep it on the mole for about three hours. Then apply more gel using a different cotton bandage each time. Continuing this remedy for a few days
  23. Milkweed- apply this herb to mole and leave for the night. Continue for one week.
  24. Apple cider vinegar- apply apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and leave on the mole for a ten to fifteen minutes. Apply four times in a day.
  25. Honey - apply to the mole several times in a day.
  26. Castor oil- apply to the mole several times in a day. This is less effective than many other remedies.
  27. Tea tree oil- apply to the mole for a few days and normally within a week, the mole will dissolve and will fall off.
  28. Petroleum Jelly -It is believed that Vaseline is a natural mole removal. It is recommended also to use an ample amount per day to hasten the process.
  29. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C -Vitamin C can help in quickly decreasing the mole's size. Grind vitamin C tablets and apply on the affected skin area. Cover with a bandage to keep the ground tablets intact.
  30. Grape juice -Apply grape juice on the mole area for 4 to 5 times everyday and cover it with a bandage. This will quicken the size of the moles on your skin..

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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