



No individual wants to look old. This is why most individuals buy over-the-counter beauty products, fillers, and creams. Some may even opt for cosmetic surgery. However, what is the efficacy of anti-ageing treatments for the skin? These treatments work to a certain extent, but the effects may be temporary because ageing is an on-going natural phenomenon.The purpose of this article is to throw more light on these treatments, which claim to provide tremendous, visible benefits. So, let's get started.

1) Retinoid Creams

A wide range of over-the-counter creams claim to get rid of wrinkles. You should opt for topical retinoid creams, which are derived from Vitamin A. Another ingredient that you must look out for is retinol, which is proven to fight wrinkle formation. If you are on the lookout for stronger retinoid creams, consult a dermatologist.

2) Peptide Creams

Peptides are short chains of amino acid monomers. Peptides can reduce the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles. However, they are not as efficient as retinoids. With the ageing of skin, there is loss of collagen, leading to thin and wrinkled skin. Peptide-containing creams stimulate the skin to produce fresh collagen. Most peptide creams are inexpensive.

3) Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a popular anti-ageing treatment for the skin and utilizes minute, tiny particles or an extremely hard diamond-tipped wand to eliminate cells from the skin's top layer. The procedure also promotes growth of new skin. It is usually pain free but it can get uncomfortable. The procedure doesn't need anaesthetic or a recovery period because the skin heals rapidly. However, you may have to go through multiple sittings that are spaced over a few weeks.

4) Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing utilizes light of high-intensity to eliminate scars and wrinkles by tightening skin that is loose. Recovery time and treatment effects vary from individual to individual. Laser resurfacing offers benefits that last from anywhere between 2 and 5 years. Smokers and individuals who do not use a sunscreen will experience lesser benefits.

5) Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work by removing the skin's outer layers and promoting growth of smooth, new, and evenly-colored skin. They are effective in the treatment of wrinkles, skin discoloration, dull skin texture, age spots, and acne scars. The intensity of the peel can range from superficial to deep. Depending on this intensity, it may cause peeling and reddening that could last for many weeks.

6) Botox/Dysport

Botox or Dysport injections contain botulism toxin, which paralyses facial muscles, thus smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. The benefits may last from 3 to 6 months. Botox injections are one of the best anti-ageing treatments for the skin.

7) Filler Injections

Filler injections contain Hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to fill wrinkles and fine lines. They also add volume to the skin. This acid is a naturally-occurring sugar that diminishes as you age. Injecting it into the skin plumps up the skin.

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