



In the 1st trimester the body does not goes any noticeable change in the pregnant lady. But there are some changes that will alter the capability and desire to exercise. This could be due to increase in urination, increase in blood volume, nausea, morning sickness, vomiting, weight gain in minor way, tender breasts, fatigue etc.

Also in the body there is increase demand of cardiovascular system to pump blood and oxygen for the developing baby. Due to this the heart rate increase and breathlessness might be experienced.

Effects of exercising during pregnancy

There are numerous benefits that are linked with physical activity in pregnancy. With regular exercise the circulatory system of the body improves and ample blood and oxygen reaches the baby’s body. Muscle cramps and nauseas can be lessened, the weight gain is balanced and the mother is protected by gestational diabetes. It also helps in alleviating stress and makes the body ready for physical labor, the chances of abortion also gets reduced.

Safety and comfort- these two issues become of prior importance. The clothes should be loose and comfortable and must allow heat loss. The bra should be well supportive. Shoes should be cushioned, snug and well fitted with more room in the front.

Nutrition and diet- make sure that you carry a water bottle while exercising. Consume water in small and frequent manner. The expectant moms may fell sick, in case of more discomfort seek the medical advice. Stay away from drinking and smoking.

Guidelines for exercise- the 1st and the 2nd trimester resemble a lot when it comes to exercise sessions. While exercising it is important to monitor duration and sessions. Your just talk session must be comfortable which means you should be able to talk with complete comfortableness. See that you exercise for about 30-45 minutes not more than that. Consume fluids throughout the day. In case of swelling, dizziness or discomfort stop immediately and take the medical advice. Breathe properly and take sufficient rest in between the sets.

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