



When looking for tips and tricks on how to get rid of Back Acne, brace yourself with the fact that acne breakouts on back, chest, shoulders and upper arms are much more difficult to treat than acne on your face.

Like facial acne, the problem of Back Acne is also caused by overactive oil glands leading to clogged skin pores due accumulation of excess oil and dead skin cells.

Such body acne can become worse due to friction and pressure on skin because of wearing tight fitting clothes, athletic pads, backpacks etc.

Moreover, sweating and skin irritation due to vigorous rubbing can aggravate them. Plus, they can become red and filled with pus in case the lesions get infected.

Symptoms may also include itching and pain in case of acne cysts. Thus, it is imperative to follow proper skin care regime to avoid acne from worsening.

When severely inflamed, they tend to leave behind acne scars on back too. Although this problem is prevalent in both the genders, it is more common in males as compared to females.

How do you get rid of Back Acne
  • You can use clay based masks about 1-2 times in a week to cure Back Acne naturally. It helps control production of sebum and unclogs the skin pores.
  • To prepare a homemade clay mask, add some rose in gypsum clay to form a pasty mixture. Apply it on back for for about half an hour or until it dries. Finally, wash it off with cold water. Replace rose water with milk if your skin is not too oily.
  • Witch hazel and tea tree oil are considered as effective home remedies for getting rid of Back Acne characterized by acne cysts.
  • Applying aloe vera juice is useful in healing Back Acne.
  • Using benzoyl peroxide (2.5-5%) or salicyclic acid is a popular and affordable way to get rid of Back Acne. Benzoyl peroxide helps reduce Back Acne with deep, closed comedones by fighting off bacteria. As benzoyl peroxide cream or gel tends to cause dryness, use a moisturizer with alpha hydroxyl acid afterwards.
  • Salicyclic acid is more suitable for sensitive skin type and helps to break down skin cells faster to replace them with younger cells. Do not overuse any of these facial as well as Back Acne home remedies.
Combination of both these chemicals is often considered good for curing Back Acne. However, several people have reported that the combination actually worsened their acne.

Here’s a video showing how to get rid of your Back Acne with alpha hydroxyl acid.
  • Applying tomato pulp on back can reduce Back Acne to some extent. You could also use a combination of 10 ml of mint juice and 5gm turmeric powder to help remove Back Acne. Rinse off this mixture from skin after applying for 15-30 minutes.
  • A paste prepared from turmeric and crushed margosas leaves (neem) can also be used to eliminate this embarrassing problem.
  • If you are interested in finding out how to get rid of Back Acne fast then you may use prescription medications like Accutane for about for 15-20 weeks. However, when following this advice be prepared for side effects such as dry lips, skin peeling, thinning of hair, joint pain etc.
  • Consult your healthcare provider before taking this medicine because it is meant for treatment of Back Acne or any other form of acne that does not respond to other treatments or therapies. Pregnant and lactating women should stay away from this remedy.
  • Regularly drinking fresh wheatgrass juice is valuable in treating Back Acne naturally.
  • When dealing with Back Acne, avoid wearing tight fitting clothes. Plus, opt for clothes prepared from light, breathable fabrics such as cotton.
  • As far as possible, keep your back clean and dry. In case you need to apply a moisturizer, use a light, water-based moisturizer.
Besides, carefully using loofah, brush or any scrub to exfoliate the skin on your back regularly (without rubbing vigorously) is a highly beneficial tip on how to get rid of Back Acne.

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