



Arteriosclerosis is a medical condition in which the arterial walls become thick, stiff and ultimately lose their elasticity and become narrow. Too much pressure on the arteries can cause this thickening of artery walls and restrict the flow of blood to the vital organs. This restriction can be either partial or complete. Arteries anywhere in the body can be affected by this disease. Still, it has been observed that arteries in the heart, brain, legs, kidneys, and abdominal aorta are the target sites of this disease. Arteriosclerosis can lead to high blood pressure or even erectile dysfunction in some cases.

Arteriosclerosis occurring due to fatty deposits on the inner arterial walls is referred to as Atherosclerosis and both these terms are used interchangeably by most of the people. The treatment involves medication, surgery, or natural home remedies for Arteriosclerosis along with a proper diet and sufficient physical activity.

Causes of Arteriosclerosis

The stiffening of the arteries does not take place all of a sudden. It develops over a period of time. High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Obesity, chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes tend to cause Arteriosclerosis. Irritants like nicotine and similar drugs and allergic reactions also facilitate the clogging of arteries. Besides, increasing age and a family history of heart disease can be held responsible for developing blockage in the arteries, especially the coronary arteries. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking can also cause Arteriosclerosis.

Symptoms of Arteriosclerosis

The symptoms of the disease are generally not dominant until the arteries become so clogged that they fail to supply sufficient amount of blood to the essential organs. The nature of symptoms depends on the location of the clogged arteries. Blockage of coronary arteries tends to result in chest pain or the symptoms of heart attack. Blockage in the carotid artery in the neck may lead to sudden weakness, dizziness or stroke like symptoms. Blockage in the cerebral arteries may lead to Transient Ischemic Attack or brain stroke. Arteriosclerosis is characterized by slow and poor healing of wound in an area with restricted flow of blood and reduced blood pressure in a limb or a lack of pulse in a narrowed artery.

Natural Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis
  • Vegetable juices like spinach juice, beet juice and carrot juice are simple and equally effective home remedies for Arteriosclerosis. In this regard, a mixture of 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice is highly beneficial.
  • Drinking a glass of water mixed with one teaspoon of honey is a tried and tested natural remedy for the treatment of this disease.
  • Indian gooseberries and grapefruits are efficient and completely natural home remedies for Arteriosclerosis.
  • Prunes and oat bran provide relief by reducing the symptoms.
  • Cover finely shredded lemon peels in warm water and allow a standing time of 12 hours. Take a teaspoon of this mixture just before or after meals to provide relief by strengthening and healing the artery system. Another way to consume lemon peels is to sprinkle them on salads or mix them in soups.
  • Parsley is an effective natural home remedy used in the treatment of this disease.
  • Crush two garlic gloves and add them to half a glass of orange juice or water and drink the resultant solution. This is on e of the easiest home remedies for Arteriosclerosis.
  • Mix lemon juice and honey in equal proportions and have one teaspoon of this mixture before bedtime to cure the disease naturally.
  • Ginger and onion act as excellent blood thinners and hence are valuable in preventing as well as curing the disease.
  •  Use of Ishabgul oil is a valuable natural remdy for the disease.
  •  Eating mature and boiled potatoes in meals is a good Russian home remedy for Atherosclerosis (a form of Arteriosclerosis).
  • Ginkgo biloba inhibits clot formation and tones the arteries thereby facilitating the healing process in a natural way.
  • Hawthorn and cayenne serve as effective home remedies for Arteriosclerosis. A combination of these therapeutic herbs along with garlic is very helpful in the treatment.
Diet for Arteriosclerosis

The perfect diet for Arteriosclerosis should be a judicious mix of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. Fresh fruits like strawberries, mangoes, apples, peaches, cranberries, papayas, watermelon, raspberries, pineapples should be positively included in the diet. Regular consumption of apples acts as a natural cure for the disease as it reduces accumulation of fat in the arteries. Vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, beet, asparagus, celery, chili peppers, turnip and green beans are essential elements of a healthy diet. Spinach can be consumed on alternate days as it tends to enhance any existing case of acidity. Tomato, onion, lettuce, radish, cucumber, carrot, cabbage and similar salad fruits should included in the diet.

Experts recommend that the patients should reduce the dietary calcium and increase the dietary magnesium.

Strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and cigarette smoking are best avoided. Excess salt in the form of pickles, sauces and white sugar should be avoided as much as possible. White flour based products, excess ghee, butter, cream and animal fats should be excluded from the diet to cure the disease. Replace animal and processed foods with fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables. While cooking, vegetable oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil and flax seed oil should be preferred and used in moderate quantities.

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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