



Sometimes, when the skin experiences excessive pressure or friction, it adopts a protective mechanism against the pressure which leads to the skin becoming hard and thick. These hard spots with translucent centers are known as Corns or Helomas. Continued friction tends to make these Corns more painful. More often than not, Corns develop on the feet, particularly on the joints of the toes and on the soles of the feet. Corns are often associated with bursae which tend to swell up and result in Bursitis.

Corns can be of two types, namely Hard Corns and Soft Corns. Soft Corns generally develop between the toes as the skin between the toes becomes moist due to sweat which tends to remain as it is due to closed shoes. Due to bacteria present in the sweat, Soft Corns tend become infected. On the other hand, Hard Corns mostly develop on the top of the smaller toes or on the outer side of the little toe. Ill fitted shoes generally rub against these areas. Treatments like corn plaster are quite popular but ineffective in curing Corns and may even damage the skin surrounding the affected area. Thus, switching to well-fitted shoes instead of poorly fitted ones and adopting natural home remedies for Corns is a more efficient and safer option.

Causes and Symptoms of Corns

Toe deformities known as Hammer toe or Claw toe play an important role in developing Corns very often. Corns also develop as a result of poorly fitted footwear. For example, when the shoes are extremely tight, they tend to squeeze the foot and increase the pressure on the toe and when the shoes are extremely loose, the foot tends to slide and rub against the shoe thereby creating friction. Both the cases lead to the same result, that is, the development of Corns.

Even poorly fitted socks or not wearing socks at all can also be held responsible in causing this problem. High heeled shoes with narrow, tapering toe boxes can also be blamed for the same as they tend to increase the pressure on the forefoot and lead to the same result. The area where the Corns develop tends to become dry, flaky, swollen and thick. The sufferer tends to experience pain especially while walking.

Natural Home Remedies for Corns
  • Applying a roasted bulb of Indian squill on the affected area and bandaging it during the night is one of the most effective home remedies for corns. The bandage can be removed in the morning.
  • Extract juice from dandelion stem and apply it on the affected areas to cure the Corns naturally.
  • Tying a freshly cut slice of lemon on the Corn during the night is one of the simplest home remedies for Corns.
  • Applying half a teaspoon of the milky juice of green figs two to three times on a daily basis is a highly recommended natural home remedy that helps heal the hardened skin.
  • Wrapping a small piece of fresh pineapple peel around the affected area and leaving it in the same condition during the night is an effective natural therapy for the disease. Follow the procedure for at least a week.
  • Applying half a teaspoon of raw papaya juice on the affected area three times a day is yet another beneficial natural remedy for Corns.
  • Grind 3-4 liquorice sticks and add half a teaspoon of mustard oil or sesame oil and make a paste of this mixture. Rubbing this paste on the affected area is one of the most valuable home remedies for Corns.
  • Applying castor oil on the affected area can provide great relief.
  • Boil oatmeal in water for around 5 minutes and strain the water. Applying this oatmeal is regarded as a good home remedy for the in the treatment of Corns.
Diet for Corns

The diet should comprise fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin and minerals. Vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin C are particularly good as they facilitate the healing process. Protein rich foods like soy products, tofu, legumes and potatoes are highly beneficial. It has been observed that Corns tend to occur because of an acid-alkali imbalance in the body. Fruits and vegetables provide alkalinity and dairy products and grains provide acidity.

So, the diet should be a proper mix of these foods. Spinach, raspberries and cherries are particularly useful in preventing inflammations. Eating two-three small apples a day is a good remdy to prevent as well as heal Corns. One should try to avoid saturated fats, white flour, fried and greasy foods, coffee food additives and preservatives, processed food, refined sugars, alcohol, red meat, chocolate and soft drinks as they are more acidic.

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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