



It is worth noting that although everyone knows that the root cause of most of the skin problems lies in the type of skin one has, still very few actually try to follow the simple and basic natural skin care home remedies for Oily Skin, Dry Skin or Combination Skin.

Oily Skin refers to the presence of excess natural oil on the skin mostly due to overactive oil glands. Apart from creating an overly shiny and greasy appearance of the skin, Oily Skin also contributes in causing several skin diseases and issues like Acne, Pimples, Blemishes, Blackheads, Whiteheads, etc.

On the other hand, the best advantage of having Oily Skin is that it keeps the skin looking younger for longer and ages slowly as it is less prone to wrinkles.

One of the best home remedies for Oily Skin is to regularly wash the skin about two to three times per day, preferably with tepid water. Tepid water is a combination of two parts cold water and one part boiling water.

Do not wash excessively as it may stimulate the skin to produce more oil. In addition, opt for oil free moisturizers and avoid skin care products that dehydrate the skin in an attempt to remove natural oils from the skin.

Causes and Symptoms of Oily Skin

Basically, Oily Skin is the result of excessive production of oil due to overactive sebaceous glands or oil glands. The condition is mostly caused due to a genetic predisposition.

Moreover, change in hormone levels due to puberty, menstruation, use of birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause etc tend to increase the risk of developing this problem.

Factors like humidity in the environment, certain cosmetics, oily diet, stress and other related factors also aggravate the problem.

Oil production in the skin tends to decrease with increasing age, thereby reducing Oily Skin and other skin issues related to Oily Skin. Hence, Oily Skin is more common in young teenagers than in older individuals.

The most obvious symptom of Oily Skin is the presence of excessive oil on the skin that makes it look dull, thick and greasy. It causes the pores of the skin to become enlarged. On face, the T-zone, that is forehead, nose and chin usually appears oilier as compared to the rest of the area.

Natural Home Remedies for Oily Skin
  • Regularly applying a mixture of half a teaspoon of lime juice and the same amount of cucumber juice half an hour before going for a bath is one of the simplest natural home remedies for Oily Skin care.
  • Using natural facial scrub prepared from three to four tablespoons of milk, two tablespoons of almond meal and one tablespoon of ground lemon rind helps to remove excess oil from the skin.
  • Separate combinations of almond meal and honey, and oatmeal and aloe vera can also be used as homemade scrubs for Oily Skin natural cure.
  • A combination of fuller’s earth and one tablespoon of yogurt serves as an efficient natural cure for Oily Skin home treatment.
  • Prepare a paste by mixing some sandalwood powder and a few drops of rose water to get rid of Oily Skin.
  • Homemade face masks such as fuller’s earth face mask and clay mask are regarded as excellent Oily Skin home remedies. Clay mask can be prepared at home by mixing one teaspoon each of green clay powder and honey.
  • While preparing fuller’s earth natural face mask, other ingredients like lemon juice, chickpea flour, oatmeal, turmeric and other such can also be used. Apply the face mask for about 20 minutes and then rinse the face thoroughly with warm water.
  • Applying various combinations of herbal oils extracted from chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, cedar wood, grapefruit, jojoba, clary sage etc is a therapeutic herbal home remedy for Oily Skin home treatment.
  • These oils also help to heal other skin conditions as well. For instance, a combination of cedar wood and sandalwood oil is highly beneficial for cleansing Oily Skin and getting rid of Eczema.
  • Applying a paste of half a cup of cooked oatmeal, half a cup of mashed apple, one tablespoon lemon juice and a beaten egg serves is a valuable Oily Skin natural remdy.
  • Facial sauna using a mixture of two to three drops of lemon grass, rosebuds or licorice root in a cup of boiling water is useful in dealing with Oily Skin naturally at home.
  • Steam the face with the vapors of this mixture and then splash some cold water to heal the condition. Use this alternative therapy about two to three times in a week.
  • Simply applying a puree of fresh tomatoes is one of the most effective Oily Skin home remedies. Follow this natural remedy on a regular basis to control oily skin and related skin problems.
Diet for Oily Skin

Foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin C are particularly useful for maintaining healthy skin and dealing with Oily Skin. Fresh citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables are highly recommended for this purpose.

In addition, include more proteins in the diet and stay away from animal fats and oily processed foods to avoid further troubles. Plus, regularly drink plenty of water and natural juices to keep the skin in good condition.

Moreover, massage the face with the help of finger tips using upward and outward motion to control and reduce excessive oiliness.

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Familiarize Your Health with Home remedies, Natural treatments, Symptoms and Causes for various Diseases.This website is for information and support only and NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For information or education only!.
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