



Ovarian Cysts are small sac-like structures or blisters that form within an ovary. The functional cysts are generally filled with fluids and surrounded by a thin wall. The cysts can be cancerous in case they are filled with solid matter. This gynecologic problem is more common in women during their reproductive years as compared to postmenopausal women.

The condition is usually not malignant and tends to heal on its own within weeks or few months. Nonetheless, Ovarian Cysts should not be ignored but accurately diagnosed and treated thereafter, especially when cysts are too painful and large in size.

Home remedies for Ovarian Cysts natural treatment have been found highly beneficial in dealing with this condition. Certain homeopathic medicines are also considered valuable in this regard. However, cysts larger than 5 cm in diameter may require surgical treatment for removal.

Causes of Ovarian Cysts

Cyst-like structures or ovarian follicles are normally formed in ovaries during ovulation. When the follicles grow larger than normal, they are termed as Follicular Cysts. Such functional cysts usually appear in the first half of menstrual cycle.

Another type of functional Ovarian Cysts named Corpus Luteum Cysts can appear in the second half of the cycle. They generally do not produce any significant symptoms and are formed on only one side of an ovary.

Other more serious kinds of Ovarian Cysts include Dermoid Cysts, Endometrioid Cysts, Cystadenoma Cysts etc. Dermoid Cysts containing growths of body tissues like fat, hair or even bones are more common in younger females. Endometrioid Cysts also known as Chocolate Cysts, on the other hand, are formed when endometrial tissue is present on the ovaries.

Moreover, certain hormonal problems may cause Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is characterized by the presence of multiple small cysts around both the ovaries. Besides, factors like stress and liver problems tend to aggravate the problem of Ovarian Cysts. It is believed that intake of birth control pills tends to reduce the chances of developing Ovarian Cysts as they prevent the ovaries from producing eggs during ovulation.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

Simple Ovarian Cysts may not cause any significant symptoms. However, certain women suffering from Ovarian Cysts may develop symptoms like sense of fullness, heaviness or bloating in the abdomen, continuous or intermittent dull, aching lower abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, pain during bowel movement, inflammation (often due to ovarian torsion), irregular menstruation, unusually painful periods, spotting, weight gain, nausea, vomiting etc.

Certain types of Ovarian Cysts like Endometrioid Cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) may also give rise to fertility related problems.

Natural Home Remedies for Ovarian Cysts
  • Herbs like Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Red Clover, Chasteberry, Wild Yam, Echinacea, Black Cohosh etc are regarded as the most effective home remedies for Ovarian Cysts. However, this Ovarian Cysts home treatment with herbs usually takes at least six weeks to heal the problem. It is advisable to take these natural remedies after consulting a naturopath for proper guidance.
  • Herbal home remedies for Ovarian Cysts taken in the form of tea, tincture, capsules etc are often used along with Bach Flower Remedies including honeysuckle, walnut, red chestnut and wild oats.
  • The use of castor oil pack is another popular natural cure for Ovarian Cysts as it helps dissolve the cysts. Although, this castor oil home remedy for Ovarian Cysts should not be followed during pregnancy, menstruation and in case of cancerous cysts.
  • Yoga and aromatherapy serve as excellent Ovarian Cysts home remedies. These alternative therapies are useful in improving hormonal imbalance and easing the pain.
  • For instance, massaging the abdominal area with a combination of two drops of Jasmine Essential Oil, one teaspoon of Sweet Almond Oil and three drops each of Geranium Essential Oil and Sage Essential Oil can help provide considerable relief from this problem. Yoga also
  • Taking warm water baths and using hot packs on the abdominal area can help in dealing with the pain associated with this condition.
Diet for Ovarian Cysts

A healthy and balanced diet can help a great deal in dealing with Ovarian Cysts. Vitamin B and vitamin E, in particular, are highly beneficial in controlling the production of hormones, thereby avoiding Ovarian Cysts as well. Therefore, the diet should include judicious amounts of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains etc.

In addition, adequate intake of water is also recommended. Women suffering from the condition should focus on the inclusion of high fiber foods in the diet in order to reduce symptoms relating to abdominal discomfort caused by constipation. Diuretic foods like parsley, watercress etc are useful in reducing inflammation.

Moreover, on the basis of their research, certain scientists believe that consumption of red meat and cheese products tends to increase the risk of developing this disease. Consumption of tomatoes and dairy products should also be reduced because they are considered as estrogen-rich foods.

Apart from following the natural home remedies for Ovarian Cysts, affected women should also try to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates.

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