



Natural greying of hair is a normal phenomenon associated with the process of aging. On the other hand, Premature Greying of Hair is a condition in which the hair of younger individuals start turning grey. More often than not, this happens due to lack of adequate nutrition.

It has been observed that younger individuals between 20 to 35 years in age are the most common sufferers of this problem. A pigment called melanin is usually responsible for imparting normal color to the skin as well as the hair. When the cells in the hair follicles stop producing further melanin, it leads to Premature Greying of Hair.

The most common method of treatment for this problem is the use of chemical dyes. However, with increasing awareness about the ill effects of chemicals on the hair, individuals are now searching for better options that are close to Mother Nature. Therefore, a number of natural home remedies for Premature Greying of Hair are now gaining popularity.

Causes and Symptoms of Premature Greying of Hair

Some of the most common causes of Premature Greying of Hair are malnutrition and stress, whether physical or mental. Plus, improper scalp hygiene giving rise to dandruff may also cause this problem. Using electrical hair dryers is also harmful for hair.

Similarly, washing the hair with extremely hot water may also cause damage to the hair follicles. Certain diseases and ailments like thyroid disorders, sinusitis, chronic cold, chronic constipation and hormonal imbalances may also result in the same.

Excess sun exposure has also been associated with an increased risk of developing this embarrassing problem. Besides, exposure to certain treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy tends to affect the normal hair and scalp health adversely. Hereditary factors also play an important role in causing this problem.

The most obvious symptom of Premature Greying of Hair is greying of hair at an early age. More often than not, the condition is accompanied by another troublesome problem of hair loss.

Natural Home Remedies for Premature Greying of Hair
  • Take some leaves of pig weed plant (Amarnath) and crush them. Applying this therapeutic paste on the hair is one of the most valuable natural home remedies for Premature Greying of Hair. Follow this natural remedy regularly for at least three months to get rid of this problem in a natural way.
  • Before going to bed, massage the scalp with a mixture of one teaspoon of Indian Gooseberry juice, one teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice. Follow this home remedy on a daily basis to relieve this problem naturally.
  • Take some dried Indian Gooseberry pieces and soak them in water overnight. Next day, use this water as the last rise after washing the hair. This is one of the most highly recommended natural home remedies for Premature Greying of Hair.
  • Soak a few rosemary and basil leaves in jojoba oil for about four weeks. Then, heat this oil and massage the scalp with this oil as an effective natural cure for this embarrassing problem. Rosemary can also be used in combination with nettle and sage.
  • Boil some coconut oil along with some curry leaves. Massage the scalp with this oil to cure Premature Greying of Hair.
  • Coconut oil can also be used in combination with pieces of dried Indian Gooseberry or with henna leaves. It can also be used with pieces of dried ribbed gourd. For this, soak some pieces of this vegetable in coconut oil for about three to four days.
  • Then, boil the mixture until a black colored residue is left. These Premature Greying of Hair home Remedies are highly beneficial in healing the problem, provided they are followed on a regular basis for a few months.
  • Washing the hair with concentrated tea extracts two times per week. For this, one tablespoon of salt should be mixed in a cup of strong black tea without milk. This mixture should be strained, applied on the scalp for about an hour and then finally washed off with cold water without shampooing. This natural treatment for Premature Greying of Hair helps to improve the natural hair color.
  • Prepare a mixture by mixing one teaspoon of yogurt, two teaspoons of henna powder, three teaspoons of mint juice, two teaspoons of basil juice, three teaspoons of coffee powder and one teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seeds. Apply this mixture on the hair and leave it for about three hours and then wash it off. This natural remedy is highly beneficial in eliminating Premature Hair Graying.
Diet for Premature Greying of Hair

These natural remedies should be supplemented with a healthy and nutritious diet to avoid nutritional deficiencies. It should specifically include vitamin A, vitamin B, copper and iron. Hence, consumption of carrots, tomatoes, cauliflowers, bananas, dairy products and seafood is highly beneficial in this regard.

Protein rich foods like sprouted vegetables and cereals are useful in imparting natural shine to the hair. Butter prepared from cow’s milk is one of the most useful Premature Greying of Hair home remedies. It can be consumed internally as well as applied externally on scalp two times in a week to help reduce Premature Greying.

Moreover, having a bowl of yogurt mixed with one tablespoon of yeast is another effective home remedy used in the treatment of graying hair. Care should be taken to have this remdy before having a meal. Apart from these measures, try to stay away from harmful foods and beverages like tea, coffee, alcohol, refined white flour and oily foods. Plus, do not change the shampoo over and over again as it tends to worsen the situation.

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