



A miscarriage is best defined as the end of a pregnancy before twenty weeks elapse of gestation period usually an estimate of three months. This occurs earlier before the fetus becomes mature enough to withstand the life outside the uterus. Most miscarriages often occur before a woman even misses her first period and thus at this period she does not know whether pregnancy exists or not. It is therefore much essential for any woman who has arrangements to get pregnant to be much aware of the miscarriage signs and symptoms so that they can seek adequate care and assistance much more easily.

Miscarriages always happen in two ways namely

Threatened miscarriages:  With threatened miscarriage mothers often have one or two signs of miscarriage but because they are only mild then such mums carry their babies until birth.

Incomplete miscarriages:  In this one mothers have several signs of miscarriage such as bleeding and severe cramping while her body still remains with some tissue in the uterus which in most cases dilation might be the only solution to that problem.

In most cases of miscarriages, many signs are much more identical to the normal pregnancy signs and symptoms and thus mothers are much advised to be careful not to abscond from visiting health care expert in order to enable adequate check on the status of the pregnancy.

Generally there are various symptoms of miscarriage and they include the following:

Possibilites of ectopic pregnancy
There might be complications like ectopic pregnancy that cause such signs and symptoms which may endanger both the baby and the mother.

Cramps can be evident in the lower abdomen or in some cases it can be felt in the pelvic region and thus it becomes among the first sign of miscarriage in any pregnancy. For most cases in ideal life situations, very slow and expected normal cramping is always termed normal but care should be taken especially if it comes with heavy breathing which therefore require the urgent services of a doctor.

Heavy bleeding also means there could be a miscarriage in a pregnancy though in normal situations mothers can see some form of intermittent spots of bloods which may not necessitate the service of a doctor at all.

Pain in the lower back
During the early days of pregnancy the mother may experience sharp pain which often is among the signs of miscarriage as the pain might can spread and be felt in the pelvic region or in the lower back of the mother and thus care services must be sought in order to address the problem before it gets worse.

Blood clots
Blood clots in most cases do not pass the vagina for a normal pregnancy and thus if such a thing happens for a mother then this becomes one of the signs of miscarriage which if addressed much earlier so that the mother’s life is secured while the fetus is taken care of well.

Movement of fetus is stopped
The movement of the fetus after the fourth month has always been a good development of the baby and thus if the movement suddenly stop and does become permanent then that automatically becomes a sign of miscarriage.

Heavy feeling in the stomach
Some mothers can even have a very heavy feeling in the stomach or in the pelvis in their period of first three months of their pregnancy. These signs and symptoms often occur under threatened miscarriages; those which can be treated much earlier and thus enable healthy pregnancy to prevail.

Bleeding at different times
Bleeding that usually happen during the normal menstruation period or even at different times of the month means an early symptom to miscarriage while others have severe bleeding that pass out more than one hour and require the use of more than one pad can also become an early sign of miscarriage.

Undetected baby's ultra sound
Further still the baby’s ultrasound may not be detected at all and thus it must be sorted out by a health care expert as this is among those early signs of pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalances/Genetic factors
There are various causes of miscarriages and they include hormonal imbalances, immunologic causes, infections, virus, systematic disorders and other genetic factors associated to the human body and that influence the central nervous system.

Carelessness of the mother
Miscarriages can happen due to carelessness of the mother which can come by without her knowing at all because most pregnancies are not known much earlier so they can be provided with the best life care in order to protect the developing embryo.

Poor habits and lifestyle
Poor habits and lifestyles like drug use, smoking, malnutrition among others contribute much to the rise of the early miscarriages as it happen because the pregnancy demands cannot be well provided by the mother and thus such results are not missed at all. For some cases however, the age of the mother may not be a nice and healthy one; that can put up with pregnancy needs and other requirements as this will often lead to miscarriages.
Effects of previous miscarriages

For some of the mothers however, there can be a series of miscarriages in life and thus advice to them must be provided on such matters so that they can avoid various causes unknown to them which eventually provide a very good and expected pregnancy.

Take the doctors advice
Finally, mothers are advised to visit a doctor in order to enable a pelvic exam to be done as this will be able to find out signs such as thinning of the cervix, increased cervical dilation and other signs such as ruptured membranes as these can earlier be prevented from threatening the life of the mother and the baby. The doctor will also offer the necessary guidance based on the extent of the signs found as it will reduce much grief that often comes about and tend to influence negatively the health of the pregnant mothers.

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