



Oiling hair is a technique to make hair healthy. Oiling done correctly can make your hair healthy and strong.

Hair is the most important ornament of beauty. Lucky are the women who have naturally beautiful hair. But it is equally important for all of us to oil hair regularly. Oiling is essential to cope with the problems like hair fall and dandruff. Without oil, hair can become rough, dry and frizzy. Oiling hydrates and moisturises hair. So good is oiling, that it can correct the dryness and damage of strong hair dyes on your hair. 

Oiling hair is the most important task for maintaining long and strong hair. (You must have heard this a zillion times from your grandmother) You can select the oil according to your preference. You can select from coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil or any other oil that you like. But do avoid mineral oil. Oiling hair is important than using any other cosmetic products and treatments. You can turn your hair from dry to dramatic with the useful hair oiling tips below. Read on to get hair that radiates good health.

Tips for oiling your hair 

You use different techniques for doing things in your daily life. Oiling hair should also be done using some smart techniques to optimise its effectiveness. If you want to avoid hair fall and grow thick and shiny hair you can try the following hair oiling secrets.
  • Heat oil to a warm temperature before applying it on your hair 
  • Make partitions while oiling your hair. Rub oil in each partition. Make as many partitions of hair as you can. This will help oil to reach the scalp properly. Do not just pour oil on your hair 
  • Avoid using too much of oil. Start applying little to each part of head and then massage. Massaging is important than the quantity of oil you use 
  • Dip your finger tips in oil. Gently massage with finger on scalp by putting your hands inside hair 
  • Massage with your fingers at least for 10 to 15 minutes after oiling your hair 
  • Avoid washing your hair immediately after oiling. If you do not like to wear oily hair, you can oil it before going to bed. You can wash your hair the next day. For best results let the oil stay for one day on your hair. When you make the oil stay for longer time it soaks in the scalp better 
  • Oil your hair at least once a week. If your hair is very dry you should oil it at least twice a week 
  • Rub oil on the roots of your hair. it helps to improve blood circulation and make hair silky and strong
  • If you want to keep your hair break free, oil it regularly. Oiling hair will also help you relax after a long day. Massaging hair is a popular stress buster. 
Optimal use of oil requires lesser shampoo to wash it off. This will help to save your time and avoid misuse of oil. Oil is a conditioner and hair moisturise. It may not stop heavy hairfall but it certainly controls hair breakage and split ends. Regular oiling makes hair lustrous and adds shine to it. All you need is a good shampoo and conditioner after oiling and you will be set to comb your beautiful hair.

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