Diabetes is due to imbalance in nutrition, which is depicted by high glucose level in blood and excess excretion of glucose while urinating .It is due to absence or deficiency of insulin, which causes irregular metabolism of fats, and proteins in the body. The term diabetes was coined from Greek term diabetes, which means, “siphon from and mellitus which is a Latin word goes for “honey”. The number of diabetics have been increasing with time. The diabetes patients are screened using:
- Fasting of blood glucose level
- Checking blood glucose level after meals
- Type 1 diabetes it is the insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or onset diabetes .In this body stops producing insulin or produce less of it to regulate the blood glucose level.
- Type 2 diabetes it is due to the fact the body cant use the insulin developed within it it is also known as insulin independent diabetes mellitus (IIDM). It most affects the middle aged and can be controlled by proper lifestyle.
- Gestational diabetes faced by women during pregnancy and it goes away after the delivery .Women suffering from this type of diabetes have the greater chances of developing type 2 diabetes in later stages of life.
Main factors:
- Hereditary
- Excess of stress and anxiety
- High fat and carb diet
- Obesity
- Poor Lifestyle
- Lack of exercise and physical exertion
- Disease affecting functioning of pancreas
- Soak around 90-100 seeds of Fenugreek overnight and mash it next day along with water and drink the mixture for about 2 months continue the process.
- Fry karela with oil and use salt along.
- Karela juice can also be used daily for the diabetes treatment.
- Turmeric powder and gooseberry powder mixed with honey in equal proportion or equal amount of gooseberry juice and turmeric juice along with honey is taken on daily basis.
- Grape fruit juice helps for diabetes treatment.
- Mango tree leaves also help in diabetes .Boil and drink 2-3 leaves of mango daily for diabetes.
- Jamun deriavtives (Syszygium cumini) i.e. Fruits ,leaves ,seeds of jamun are also useful as they prevent conversion of starch into sugar .Eat jamun fruit daily initially or you can take water along mashed jamun leaves for few days.
- Cinamon seeds also help in diabetes treatment as they allow blood sugar to be naturally utilized. Drink 1 litre of cinnamon along with water regularly
- Neem leaves and Bilvia leaves also help in diabetes treatment .Take 2-3 leaves of them daily.
- Soayabean is also useful for diabetic patients.
- Replace Cereals by gram.
- Peels of green palantin soaked with water taken regularly also helps in diabetes.
- Regular moderate exercise also help in diabetes.
- A low end diet is recommended for diabetics as fat or cholesterol in the diet only increases risk.
- Bitter ground seeds along with water also proves to be a good remedy for diabetes and is used as diet supplement for diabetics all-round the globe.
- Cucumbers string beans and other food items rich in water and protein helps in reducing blood sugar.
- Everyday morning walk for 45 minutes daily can also help in maintain a balanced body.
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