



Dandruff is a common concern for both men and women. However, if you take proper precaution you can cope with dandruff easily. Dandruff is often caused due to improper hair care, pollution etc. But if proper remedies are used, one can get rid and prevent dandruff. Read on to find solutions for coping with dandruff easily.

Dandruff is a very common problem seen in people and is quite natural. In simple words, dandruff is the shedding of dry skin of the person’s scalp. Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for dandruff. You can only keep it away and get rid of it for some period of time. But there are some remedies that can help you control and reduce dandruff. Though dandruff cannot be considered as a serious medical problem, it creates uncomfortable itching and makes the person feel awkward and embarrassed especially when in public.

Tips to Cope with Dandruff

Here are some tips that will help you control and reduce dandruff to a great extent.

Choosing the Right Shampoo
This is very important because choosing the most appropriate shampoo will help you keep dandruff away. Do not ever stop shampooing thinking that dandruff is result of dry hair and shampoo will make it drier. This will, in fact, worsen the situation. You must start using a good anti-dandruff shampoo and as it starts getting reduced, you can alternate the use with your regular shampoo also.

Regular Interval of Shampooing
If you found that the dandruff problem has been increased, you should shampoo your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo daily so that you get rid of it as soon as possible. Sometimes, in severe cases, it is advised to shampoo twice daily too. So, depending on the condition and amount of the dandruff production, you have to determine how frequent you should shampoo your hair. Also keep in mind that you should rinse well, twice after you shampoo your hair.

Control Dandruff
You are taking care of cleaning your hair regularly with the right shampoo. Now you need to take some precautions so that dandruff does not spread and make things worse. Try not to scratch your scalp and avoid the itching as far as possible. You can avoid wearing dark coloured clothes so that your dandruff is not visible on them. If the situation worsens you can consult a dermatologist and follow the advice.

Diet plays an important role in coping with dandruff. Try to have healthy and nutritious food daily that will help you keep your hair and scalp healthy. Vitamin B6 is said to help reduce dandruff to some extent. Make sure you have good and sound sleep and you avoid stress.

Avoid Using Styling Gels and Chemicals
Some of the hairs styling products available in the market also result in producing dandruff. However, if you are suffering from dandruff, you should avoid using them or any chemical based gel or shampoo.

Dandruff is also caused as a result of allergy. If this is the case with you can avoid the food item or product due to which you think that you are suffering from dandruff. Even after this, you will have to use anti-dandruff shampoo to get rid of the dandruff that is already present in your hair.

Massage your scalp once in a week as this will improve blood circulation and help in having healthy scalp, as it will get proper nourishment.

Remember, dandruff is not a disease and it is better you start treating it as soon as you find that you are suffering from it. This will help you cope with dandruff without much difficulty. Keep in mind the tips and guidelines and you will feel better.

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