



There are certain signs, symptoms and physical changes which can help you to ascertain pregnancy. After observing such signs and symptoms of pregnancy, you need to get your pregnancy confirmed by visiting a physician. Let us have a look at the top 10 signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

You might be pregnant, so how do you decide whether it is a time for celebrations or not? Given below are the top ten pregnancy signs that can be considered as an early indication that you are pregnant. You need to note here, it may not be that you experience all the ten signs but even a couple of them can be an indication. The fertilised egg gets implanted in the uterus within a week or so. So there is an ample of time to find out whether you have indeed conceived.

Top Ten Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Let us have a look at the top 10 signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Spotting : A pinkish or brownish discharge occurs prior to the start of the menstrual period if there is an implantation. It is often a very light spotting. In a normal menstruation, the discharge is light, followed by a heavy flow and gradually the bleeding tapers off. But a light spotting is an indication that you might have conceived.

Frequent Urination : This is a dicey condition. You need to note what you are drinking when you find yourself visiting the loo very often. It can be caused by high water or alcohol intake and also can be a mark of conception. This can be an early indication even before you realise that you have missed your period. Usually, frequent urination occurs around 7-12 days before the temperature rises during ovulation. The frequency rises due to the hormonal level changes after the implantation of the embryo.

Rise in Body Temperature : A slight temperature rise is normal during ovulation. But if this high temperature remains throughout the periods, it can be a sign of pregnancy. It needs to be monitored and tracked to get a clearer understanding.

Missing Periods : This is considered to be the most common of the pregnancy signs. It is more or less a sure indication but at the same time it needs to be remembered that there can be a host of other reasons responsible for a missed period. It might be stress, some other illness, and reaction to certain medications, an unusual diet or hormonal imbalance. So the other factors must be looked into before ascertaining that you have missed your periods due to conception.

Fatigue : Fatigue should be regarded as a sure sign but one of the additional signs of pregnancy. Fatigue occurs due to the change in the hormonal levels and hormone production.

Cramps : Cramps are also a sign but difficult to read. If you experience cramps while you are doing your regular work like moving around or exercising, or when you are having an orgasm, it can be read as an indication of pregnancy.

Nausea : Nausea is also considered as a popular indication of pregnancy. Also known as morning sickness, it is also a fact that just half of the women who are pregnant feel this nausea.

Tenderness in Breasts : The tenderness in the breasts and nipples is felt due to the changes in the hormonal levels caused by conception. But then there can be a temporary hormonal change which is a normal thing with women at various stages of their cycle. It goes away with time, but of the tenderness is due to pregnancy then it's going to stay there for some weeks.

Dark Areolas : It is noticed that after a week following conception, the areolas appear darker around the nipples; the bumps also appear to be more prominent.

Constipation : Early pregnancy is marked by bowel changes. So it can be marked as a sign. The intestines behave in a weird manner due to the hormonal changes occurring in the body.

What needs to be remembered is that even if you experience two or more of these early signs, it is always advisable to go for a pregnancy test and get a check-up done by a physician.

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