Motherhood brings a world of new experiences and responsibility on the new moms and the new moms naturally may feel stressed out to cope with her new status in family. In modern India, women no longer stay at home. With a busy career, the issue becomes particularly difficult for a new mom. A new mom can get especially inundated under pressure, if she is a working lady. Her life will seem to be full of a never-ending cycle of duties. She will need to plan her life according to the need of the baby. However, motherhood also brings many blessings to count on and she should not despair under the pressure of the new circumstances that she will surely find herself in. Here are some issues that a new mom has to face and also some tips which can help a new mom to better deal with her issues.
New moms need a helping hand and advice from the elders

Coping with depression or mood swing
After the delivery, many new moms have to go through what is called post natal depression. The hormones in her body go through a flux to make her prepared for her new motherhood. The hormonal changes in her body may make her emotionally very susceptible. Some form of yoga or aerobic exercises may help her cope well with the situation, apart from the expert medical help that might be available if she needs it badly.
Learning to take care of the baby
A new mom has to learn everything regarding caring for her baby. She needs to learn how to feed, bath and clothe her baby. She need to learn how to change nappies for her baby. She needs to learn how to clean the feeding bottles and many other such issues. She will have to prepare to have many sleepless nights to feed her baby as often as the baby is hungry or to change the wet diaper. All this involves a lot of sacrifice on her part.
Taking care of a crying baby
Babies cry often and a crying baby can be very exhausting for a new mom, especially in the night time. However getting frustrated or losing the temper would not help. A new mom should be patient to address the issue when her baby cries. Babies normally cry to convey some need or some discomfort it may have. A new mom has to learn why her baby may be crying. Is it for hunger, thirst, a wet nappy or some other discomfort? She should keep the baby closer to her and gently stroke the baby to settle the baby when it cries. Then she should address the problem. Babies often cry due to colic or pain from the wind. A new mom needs to keep the medicines at hand after consulting her pediatrician.
Planning the time well for an working mom
Women have to be mom and spouse at home and she will have other responsibilities in her office as well. Things become particularly stressful when a new mom has to join her office after the long pregnancy break. She will obviously feel overwhelmed to manage such varying responsibilities at home and office. If she does not plan her time well, she will soon find herself exhausted. Apart from the time allotted to caring the newborn and office responsibilities, a new mom should take some time out for herself. It means having some time for exercise, caring for her body and a quiet time for being alone with a book, some prayer, pursuing a hobby, or just sitting in peace without doing anything. Reserving some time for her self is important. It is not selfish; she needs it to rejuvenate her body and mind so that she can give hundred percent back when she goes back to her responsibility in home and office.
Being organized will save time
Since a new mom has to share many responsibilities, she needs to divide the area of her responsibility and consider her priorities well before the beginning of a hectic day. A new mom should make a checklist of works she needs to do in a day. She should learn to do the first thing first and leave the secondary things for later. It will help to unburden her mind.
Problems for new moms that stay at home
There are new moms that stay at home for caring their baby or there are moms that are housewives. They often feel suffocated or frustrated staying continuously confined in the house. They may be exhausted by taking care of the baby for twenty four hours and doing the household chores as well. Being a new mother may seem especially hard work for them. New moms need to go out and talk to other parents. This will help them a lot. Their own problem will not seem that big when they will learn stories from the parents in their neighborhood going through the similar experiences as they are facing.
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