We all sweat, it's a normal body function that can't be overlooked. When we don't use deodorant, our smell radiates and it can make people not want to around us. If you are having trouble trying to figure out what the best deodorant for you is and how to make sure that you find the best one for your needs, you're not alone.
There can be a lot of confusion when trying to find the perfect deodorant for your needs, but you don't have to feel that confusion anymore. Here are is a guideline that will help you find the perfect deodorant for you!
Check Your Perspiration

To check out much you sweat, go a little while without wearing deodorant. Only do moderate activities, ones that wouldn't normally cause a lot of sweating. If you still find that your armpits are sweating more than normal, than you know that you probably need a strong deodorant or anti-perspirant.
The best products for those who have overactive sweat glands, which is normal and completely okay, should purchase anti-perspirant rather than deodorant that smells good.
These will fix the source of the problem, not just the odor. Anti-perspirant is different from deodorant due to the fact that it helps prevent sweat. Deodorant on the other hand just keeps your armpits smelling strong and nice even though you are kind of still sweating.
If you suffer from extreme overactive sweat glands, than you may want to speak with your doctor or a pharmacist to ask for their opinions.
Choosing a Type of Deodorant
There are more types of deodorant than you may think. Choosing the type will help you feel more comfortable throughout the day. Some types are:
- Roll-On. This is where the deodorant bottle has a ball on the top and it does what it's called, it rolls on. This type of deodorant is not recommended for those who have long, many have found that it gets caught in the roller ball and can be very painful. So for those of you that have little to no armpit hair, this is a good option for you.
- Stick. This is the most common type of deodorant that many people use. This is where the deodorant is a long and goes directly on your body. It stays protected by being in a hard cover with a lid.
- Gel. Gel deodorant comes in the same shape and bottles as the stick, except it comes out as gel rather than a liquidy powder like the other sticks do. These are most commonly used among men as they are very strong. They are still great for women to use as well! The great thing about gel deodorant is that it goes on clear so there is no chance of a powder getting on your clothing.
- Spray. Not many people use spray deodorant but they are still great products. This is true especially if you aren't the type that likes to wait for your deodorant to dry. This is also a deodorant that can be used by more than one person.
Try to remember that scent isn't everything, it's about what keeps your armpits from sweating too much. You can easily find amazing scented deodorants but do some research and ask around on what brands are the best for treating the sweat. Many find that Dove is the all on one deodorant brand, so give that a try!
When you are trying a new product on your skin, it's always important to be sure that you watch for breakouts. Your skin could be more sensitive to products than others. Be that you read reviews of products before you buy a product so you can be sure that it is safe to use.
You want a product that will leave you smell fresh all day long rather than for just an hour after you put it on. You also want to last no matter what tasks you are doing, there is a lot of work that you will do during the day that will cause you to sweat so you want a deodorant that will keep you protected no matter what.
Credit : Popea ionut
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