



The symptoms of lung cancer vary depending on where and how the tumour is spread. The warning signs of lung cancer do not always present themselves. A person suffering from lung cancer may experience the following symptoms:

Cough that does not go away

A lot of people adapt to or dismiss a chronic cough by attributing it to something else. They assume the cough to be a leftover cough post a cold or dry air during the winter months. A cough that lasts more than a few weeks must be taken as a sign of an underlying medical condition and should therefore, be checked with a doctor. Chronic cough is an early symptom of lung cancer and is even more likely to be dismissed if you have a condition that predisposes you to coughing, such as COPD, gastroesophageal reflux or allergies. Coughing up little blood is the most common sign of lung cancer, but it may be subtle in its early stages. If you experience persistent cough, consult your doctor for a check up.

Shortness of Breath

Another common sign of lung cancer is shortness of breath, which one notices when he/she is engaged in some sort of activity. This often gets overlooked or thought of as a cause of old age, being obese, etc. If you realise that you have suddenly stop taking that hike or feel winded with sexual activity, fix yourself an appointment with the doctor.

Pain or ache in your back, shoulder, chest or arm

Cancer of the lungs may press on the nerves causing pain in the shoulder, back, chest or arm even before causing cough or difficulty in breathing. If you see pain in your back, shoulder, chest or arm, consult your physician immediately. About 50% of people with lung cancer tend to experience chest or shoulder pain during diagnosis. The pain especially increases with breathing and coughing.

Repeated Respiratory Infections

It is not uncommon for people to discover that they have lung cancer after they have been treated for recurring episodes of pneumonia and bronchitis. If the tumour located close to an airway, it will cause an obstruction that predisposes them to the infections. The recurring episodes of respiratory infections may be due to smoking or other conditions, such as COPD.

Any abnormal symptom or general decline in one's health

If you see any symptoms that are unusual, check with your doctor. Unrelated symptoms, such as that of knee pain may be an early sign of lung cancer.

Credit : Vidya

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