It is very important to consult your doctor before starting any postpartum or post delivery exercises. However, here are some of the common exercises which are practised after delivery or postpartum to get back in shape.
The abdominal area gets weakened during pregnancy. The point to note here is that spot reduction of fat from the areas of your choice is impossible. Postpartum exercises concentrate on the core where flatter abs is attained through losing overall body fat. Apart from strength training and cardio, this requires a healthy diet.
Given below are the top 10 postpartum exercises.
Pelvic Tilts – This exercise targets to strengthen the support muscles around the lower back through very subtle movements. It can also relieve you of lower back pain and gives you a feeling of massage .
Lie on your back on a floor mat. It can also be done by standing with your back pressed to a wall. Bend your knees without lifting the feet from the floor. Breathe out as you rock your hips towards your face in a very gentle movement without lifting them. Continue for a few seconds, breathe in and return to the original position.
Exercise Ball Crunch – You need to lie on the exercise ball by positioning it under your lower back. Now either put your hands behind your head or cross them over your chest. Now lift your abs by contracting the abdominal muscles. Pull the bottom of the ribcage towards the hip area. This will make you curl up but the ball must stay in its position. Then low your back, stretch the abs and repeat.
Vertical Leg Crunch – Lie on a mat, cross your knees and lift your legs straight up. Gain support by putting the hands behind your head but, do not pull on the neck. Now lift the shoulder blades from the floor as you contract the abs. imagine that you are trying to bring the belly-button towards the spine. Remember to keep your legs unmoved. Lower them after a while and repeat in sets.
Torso Track – Here you must grip the handles of the torso track, breathe normally as you pull your abs. now breathe out, stretch and elegantly glide forward. Note that the stretch must not cause discomfort. Then pull your body back by contracting the abdominal muscles.
Long Arm Crunch – Lie on a mat with your arms stretched out behind your head. Clasp your fingers and your arms must be next to your ears. If you feel discomfort in your neck, do the exercise by extending one arm while keeping the other behind your head. The intensity can be raised by holding a light dumbbell.
Reverse Crunch – Lie on a mat, place your hands behind your head or let them lie on the sides. Keep your feet together as you bring your knees at 90 degrees to your chest. Contract your abdominal muscles as you lift the hips from the floor. Your legs should now point to the ceiling. Lower them and repeat.
Crunch With Heel Push – Lie on a mat, put your hands behind the head and bend your knees. Now flex your feet and hold on to this position as you contract the abdominal muscles. Simultaneously lift your shoulder blades. Support your head and see that you are not pulling on to the neck. Then press your heels on the floor while you are also pressing your back on the mat. Now raise the glutes off the floor gently. Lower your body and repeat.
Ab Roller – Hold the bars of the ab roller with each hand after sitting on it. Now rock forward as you contract your abdominal muscles. Note that the movement should not come from the momentum but from your abs. release yourself and repeat. The focus should be on your abs and not on your arms.
Plank – Lie on a mat on your stomach. Your palms should be flat on the floor. Lift yourself as you rise up on to your toes and support your weight with your elbows. Your back should be a straight line from head to heels. Now tilt your pelvis and contract the abs, your middle must not sag. Hold this position for 20-60 seconds, lower your body and repeat.
Body Flexing – Stand upright, raise your arms. First breathe in, bend forward and then breathe out. Keep your back straight, swing the arms. Now relax your head and stretch your arms upwards behind you. Breathe in, swing arms and pull your body up. Repeat.
Postpartum exercises help you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape. Allow your body to heal before starting off postpartum exercises. If you exercised throughout your pregnancy and had a normal delivery, then you can start out light postpartum exercises such as pelvic tilts.
Include other postpartum exercises as you regain strength and your body heals from the rigours of childbirth. Start slowly and increase gradually is the key to healthy postpartum exercises. However, do not forget to consult your healthcare provider before starting your exercise regimen.
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