General Dietary Considerations To Prevent Cancers:
1. Eat less total fat and eat the right fats - Approximately 20% or less of your total caloric intake should consist of fats. Look at package labels to make sure the item chosen has less than 20% total fats.
Eat the right fats as the Eskimos do and those in the Mediterranean region. This consideration based upon smaller incidence of cancers in the general population and observation of their diets.
2. Eat less so you stay lean and are not obese. Obesity tends to increase the % of people contracting cancer. Don't overeat anything. Consume moderately and if still hungry space your servings through the day, not at one seating.
3. If a beer drinker then consume less if tend to drink heavily. There does appear to be associated with colorectal cancer due to nitrosamines being a pre-cursor and nitrosamines found in beers.
Jury out on red wines when the quantity PER SEATING exceeds 3, 4 oz. glasses per seating. This is difficult to understand as most warnings on alcohol consumption seem to imply a single "daily consumption" measurement and that single measurement appears to be contradicted by the actual regions who have less cancer. In some cultures, specifically Mediterranean, the daily consumption is greater than what is supposedly carcinogenic, however the amounts consumed are not consumed in one setting. Mediterranean cultures may consume twice the daily consumption that is "dangerous" however it is consumed over a 8 - 11 hour time period. The lunch meal may include 2-3 glasses of wine, as will the night time meal. The spacing between consumption actually may contribute to overall cancer prevention by the alcohol, specifically the phytonutrients found under and in the grape skin.
Most studies do indicate consumption of more than 8 ozs. in one seating, over 1- 3 hours period may be detrimental.
4. Eat a colorful selection of foods, specifically vegetables and fruits. Vegetables per se aren't the best dietary habits. French fries fried in heavy fats, with mashed potatoes covered in gravy, as your "2 veggies" is not the answer. Rather eat colorful foods such as carrots for orange, beets for red, broccoli for green, corn for yellow, or Swiss chard for all of them!! The key is making sure your plate is loaded with color. Colors in veggies denotes differing chemical compounds of which the body can select those it needs and discard those not needed. This natural selection of nutrients is only possible if you are eating the correct foods enabling the selection.
Credit : Bob G Johnson
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