



If you thought that you will start your anti-aging treatment when you hit 50, and see your wrinkles vanish overnight, you thought wrong!

The old saying "Prevention is better than cure" is very true for stopping the signs of aging. In order to stop the appearance of wrinkles in your 50s and 60s, you have to start your anti-aging treatments when you are in your 30s. But you don’t have to burn your pocket for that; there are many effective anti aging homemade remedies that you can follow with ingredients found in your kitchen and home! Here are 4 such remedies:

Using Miracle Whip
There are many women who swear by the effectiveness of Miracle Whip as one of the anti aging home remedies. Using it is very easy; first spread Miracle Whip on a foundation brush that is clean or a spatula. Then use it to apply the product on your skin. Keep it for 10 min and wash with slightly warm water. Then gently pat dry. Miracle Whip works as a great exfoliate and will remove your dead skins easily. When your skin breadths easily, it also ages slowly.

Milk and Honey facial wash
Even in ancient civilization, milk and honey had been one of the most favored anti aging home remedies. The reason for their popularity is because honey has natural anti-oxidants while milk provides moisturizer. The former will improve the skin’s elasticity and the latter will make sure it stays hydrated. For best result, try using goat’s milk. Just mix the two products in equal measure in a bowl and use foundation brush to put it on. Like before, keep for 10 min, rinse with warm water and dry gently. Your skin will feel rejuvenated and fresh.

Potato facial mask
Even the humble potato found in every household can become a great instrument to fight the first signs of aging. The anti-oxidants present in potato are perfect for making anti aging home remedies. Using potato masks will not tighten you skin naturally; it will also reduce large pores in your face. If you have blemishes due to sun expose or other reasons, the mask will make it gradually fade away. Making it also easy; just grate or puree one large raw peeled potato and then squeeze to get its juice. Now soak up gauze in that juice and keep the gauze on your face for 30 min. You can let it dry naturally and not wash off, or you can rinse it of later.

Peach milk facial
Another rich source of AHA, peach milk can help you greatly by tightening your skin. To make this mask, take a peeled peach and remove the stone from the center. Now mash the peach with an egg white and mix thoroughly till the mixture is free of any lumps. Use foundation brush to apply the mask which you should keep for 30 min before washing with warm water.

Credit : Jsocratous

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