



The veins are responsible for making the blood circulate throughout the body. These veins are incorporated with natural valves which are adept enough to restrict the blood that is pushed by the heart, from flowing in a backward direction. The heart is a pumping machine that takes and pushes the blood through these veins to various parts of the human body and in this process if the valves start to work in an improper manner then the blood would start flowing back and that would lead to the accumulation of blood at a point accompanied with the swelling of body organs as well as weakening of the veins. These affected veins turn blue or purple and are visible underneath the skin. You won’t feel any such pain in the day time but after the completion of your day work, you would surely have an acute pain caused due to the accumulation of blood over the day time.  

Varicose Veins at the time of pregnancy
At the time of pregnancy, you would be more susceptible to varicose veins near your leg however, they canbe present anywhere in the body but the probability of their presence in the leg is comparatively high.  Hemorrhoids or piles are a kind of varicose veins that develop near the rectal area.

These get usually worse at the time of pregnancy as there is an extended pressure of the growing baby on the hips as well as the groin region. It can considerably put pressure and stress on the vein termed as vena cave which usually runs on the right hand side of the body.

This process eventually increases the level of pressure of blood near and in your leg veins which thereby enhances the chances that you would face the problem of varicose veins. As your baby grows, this pressure increases rapidly.

How to get away from the problem of varicose veins?
These are a common problem in times of pregnancy but this pain usually subsides within the time span of three or hopefully four months after the delivery of your baby.

There is another alternative if you are not comfortable due to their presence. You can get them treated surgically. Make sure you had the number of children that you wanted before going for this treatment.

Prevention from varicose veins
After making some very simple changes in your lifestyle you might prevent or significantly decline the affects of varicose veins.

You should be regular with your exercises and at the same time you should opt for some effective alternatives as well. This can be a quick walk or a practice of yoga.

You should try to spread your legs whenever you get time or whenever possible. You should lie down keeping a pillow underneath your feet.

Before getting up from the bed make sure that you put on some simple stockings as well as support tights as by doing this you would prevent extra amount of blood from getting accumulated in your legs.

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