



A lot of people are under the grave misconception that cocoa butter can make them disappear. The truth is that, this isn't so, and the only thing that cocoa butter can do for your stretch marks is to keep them very well moisturized in the way that they should be. This is because it isn't good to let them dry out. They should be kept moist, and also not dry, which will prevent them from becoming itchy in description. Therefore, do use cocoa butter for its amazing moisturizing properties alone, if nothing else. Cocoa butter is all natural and an extremely good product to use on the skin daily.

Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure with stretch marks?

Sure, prevention is always a good thing, even where SM are concerned. However, just because you do practice good preventative measures to not get stretch marks, the truth is you still can get them. You can put all of the hard work into an ounce of prevention, but whether or not, it will be worth a pound of cure where they are concerned is not known. People do get them, and despite their very best efforts to keep them at bay, they still end up developing them anyways.

Does exercise help to get rid of stretch marks?

Exercise does indeed help SM in a big way. It also helps your health in a major way to have some form of working exercise routine in your life. It doesn't matter if you go walking, if you do running, or if you join a yoga or Pilates class. Whatever exercise that you love to do, do it, because you love it and you do value your overall health a great deal. Exercise is good for stretch marks and good for everything else as a rule too.

Should you just be a lot more patient and wait?

If you have the patience to wait it out. Stretch marks are indeed subject to fade out over the course of time. Some people just don't have what it takes to just sit around and let these unsightly scars heal on their own and minimize from view. If you are patient, it is okay to just let them fade on their own, but it is up to you to still treat them and keep them well moisturized so they don't dry out.

Does oatmeal paste help with stretch marks or not?

Oatmeal paste is something that people do use as a home remedy treatment for stretch marks. This is because oatmeal does indeed have lots of wonderful and healthful qualities about it. This is especially true from a therapeutic approach where the skin is concerned. So, with this said, if you do make an oatmeal paste from scratch with some oatmeal, hot water, and one Vitamin E capsule to add to the paste. Then you are indeed doing your stretch mark a good justice, and this good justice will be in knowing, you are helping to treat it in a very good way from the onset.

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